Cray Cray Supercomputer

Thanks to everybody in the stands for sticking with us during what has turned into a pretty long game of baseball. Next up to bat, Cayden Jones will take us into the top of the 18,351st inning. Fun fact about Jones: I exhausted all my trivia data years ago and now pray for the sweet release of death to escape this

I don’t even trust in-house deliveries. I’ve waited 2 hours for a pizza to show up only to have it be wrong on top of being cold, don’t feel the need to do it again. I’d rather just go get it myself.

And some of us live in climates where 10 minutes outside would literally kill us during some parts of the year.

Yeah, and they express other opinions, too! Like, they say that they like wagons and manuals, and don’t prefer CUVs. How DARE they? Don’t they know that this is the place—the only place— that people come for hard-hitting news of the day! It’s almost like they think they’re a car blog and not the premiere standard for

I’m waiting for someone to create a robot to feel entitled, make random bad decisions, fail to understand anything about the job it’s in, and watch ESPN in its office all day. Think of the savings of replacing management with these things!

I don’t want unsafe vehicles being controlled by buggy, unproven software and inadequate hardware to be on public roads at all. Since, for some reason, they are allowed on public roads, we should at least be warned about them so we can stay well away.

Yeah, but Cool Ranch Doritos and Sour Cream + Onion Pringles.  It's like getting a new video game, then finding out it's Lee Carvallo's putting challenge.

Any vehicle on public roads that is capable of a (semi) autonomous mode beyond cruise control should be required to be a high-viability color like highlighter yellow or Pepto pink, with reflective stripes . When any kind of self-steering is active, special lights all over the car should be mandatory, warning others

This. We need to have a robust road/vehicle communication system in place before we can when think about fully automated driving. We shouldn’t be counting on just cameras and lidar to tell where other cars and the road edges are, the other vehicles and the roads should be letting us know all that.

Lefse alone qualifies Scandinavian food traditions to stay. It’s delightful.

It was all a funny mix-up. He was planning on getting some coffee at Dunkin and then robbing a bank, but because he hadn’t had his coffee yet he mixed it up. You don’t even want to know what he dropped off at the dry cleaner.

“That guy who refused to lie for us is lying about it!"

Well, great. Thanks for the logical paradox, pal. Now my head is going to explode.

My neighbors sold their youngest child for a scrap of old tent. Dark days.

“You get what you pay for”

Good pizza is worth paying for. Sure, you can get a lot more volume for the same money from a chain, but I'd rather have enough of a good thing than a lot of a tolerable thing.

Without those pizza circles to catch any extra grease, the entire rest of the pizza box would be rejected by most recyclers, so they're worth it.

*Ahem* Dear Microsoft, you appear to have inadvertantly announced an end to adding games to the BC list before getting to Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, Legacy of Kain: Defiance, or Burnout 1-3.  Please correct this oversight posthaste.

While his cellmate is on the toilet in the background, probably.

Now you’re being silly. This person obviously does not get invited to parties.