Cray Cray Supercomputer

His fuckup was to violate the privacy of others and state law. He can be as much of an idiot asshole as he wants, he can dress in skimpy clothing if he wants, but he cannot legally violate others. That is a crime. People want him punished for the crime he committed, not because he’s an idiot.

How about the biblical idea of marriage grin the patriarch, Jacob. You know, one man, his cousin, her maid, his other cousin, and her maid? I’m sure that’s totally cool with the fundies as long as there’s just one guy.

Somebody’s gotta get Dark Phoenix some attention.  

The same team that did Prototype made a GC/PS2/XBOX game that I think was even better, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.  One of my favorites from that generation.

It was better than the movie.  Still not great, but solid.

Yeah, you can verb anything.  I just verbed verb.

I had the same reaction, but then thought that for elderly and disabled people with limited mobility this could be a useful service.

Yes, your post was needlessly hostile. I’m glad you saw that when I turned it around on you. Better late than never.

Yeah, but the only cleavage allowed at GC is the 3" of asscrack hanging out on fat old white guys. You know, wholesome.

I see two main markets for Beyond and Impossible:

This is true, and if you put it in the meat aisle, many vegetarians/vegans aren’t going to go looking for it. I think the best solution is to have it in both places like the chain in the article. At least until it has established its market.

You know that when you’re a jackass that has nothing to add, you can just not post, right? You can just close the browser window and nobody will stop you!

Fuck you, you complete, raging asshole. They said where they would prefer the product to be displayed, because that was the question. I feel the same way—it would be more convenient for me if it were by the Morningstar products, etc., because I don’t go to the meat aisle. I don’t know if that’s the best thing for the

Wait, Leon Redbone, too?  Shit.

And wrong.  It's not OK to second-guess someone else's food decisions. Only an asshole does that.

Thank you. This isn’t funny. People have been deceived into breaking ethical and/or religious convictions, and people have been exposed to harm from this. I don’t have the red meat allergy your friend does, but my stomach does not like it. The few times there has been undisclosed meat in food I ate I knew it, because

She’s shaking her pink Filco vainly.

Or you could just require drivers to drive the car in the first place and skip the constant surveillance of drivers in their own cars. Until level 5 autonomy is perfected, anyway.

I love spicy food, but I’m a pallid white guy, and servers always give me a particular kind of side-eye when I order their maximum spice level. They’re obviously trying to figure out what Whitey McPale means by spicy, but I mean actually spicy, dang it! I _want_ to turn red and sweat from my eyeballs.

I’m hoping that at some point someone bets me $50 that I can’t eat raw onion like an apple, because then I’d get $50 and a snack.