Cray Cray Supercomputer

I thought the joke wasn’t that government workers are soulless, but that government work is soul-crushing. I happened to be watching this episode with my brother, a city librarian for the last 20 years, and he laughed at that line, then petered out into a knowing wince at the end.

I had an old beater like this with the same situation. Charge the AC at the beginning Summer and it’ll last the season. Trying to use the AC before charging it would give that hissing/wooshing noise and warm air out of the vents.

Windows Update is a broken joke. It doesn’t work any more than the Windows 10 upgrade that should have gotten people off the vulnerable Windows 7, but hauled to function even slightly.

Yes, that has been exactly my point this entire time.  Glad you're caught up.

Yes, as I said, both planets and their inhabitants are in space. Marvel comics characters have gone to other dimensions, like the Negative Zone, that would probably count as not in space, but everything in our universe is in space. Space is the medium that matter exists in here in our universe.

Nothing here against the troops.  If anything, it's sympathetic--they have to try to avoid having Dolt 45 having a temper tantrum.  That's got to be tough.

No, no... anything bad is always the fault of the last Democrat in office. Even if Trumplestiltskin gets his way and declares himself Dictator Presidente for Life, 20 years later they’d still be looking around the scorched, broken remains of Earth and say “Thanks, Obummer! #butheremails”

Nobody suggested that Trump ordered this. The suggestion (supported by the quoted sources) is that Trump is such an emotionally unstable baby that he would have a hissy-fit if he saw the McCain. Perhaps some remedial reading comprehension classes would help you?

The airplane bathroom may be tiny, gross, and terrible, but at least it’s private. At my airport you might have a U.S. senator peeping through the gaps in the stall at you.

It’s too bad that you are being forced to click on these articles you hate and reply to them.  If only you could just ignore them, but alas... You have no choice 

Yeah! The fragile feelings of the poor little incel man-babies have to be protected! They can’t face exposure or even *gasp* ridicule just because they can’t staaand a woman being in a movie as more than T&A and voluntarily post sexist idiocy about it.

The Brocclians are alive, they are in a planet which exists in space. They live in space. The details of what planet or ship might be between them and the void of space does not change the facts.

I think a lot of comics properties would be better off as tightly-written TV series. The problem is that SFX budgets are limited on TV, and since the potential profit is much higher on a successful movie, high-profile characters get ‘reserved’ for the big screen.

Get ready to have your mind blown... those planets are in space.  

There was an air intake at butt level on the front of that pod. That only raises rurther questions, of course, mostly engineering-based.

I’d actually rather they pick up the signed check a few minutes before I leave—that way if I did something boneheaded like signed the wrong copy or mathed badly or something there’s time to catch it. It hasn’t happened, but I vaguely worry that it could.

“If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s nobody to take a selfie with it, did it really fall? #timber #realplanking #koanstigram"

Domesticated rats are cute, and very affectionate pets. They’re content to just hang out with you, instead of constantly trying to escape into the baseboards like mice or gerbils. People think of all rats like aggressive sewer rats, though.  It's too bad.

My mom has a big heart, and can’t stand thinking of the local wildlife suffering through our Midwestern winters. So during the coldest months, she’ll put some walnut pieces out for the squirrels. When the spring comes, though, they’re on their own.

Nice.  "Oh sorry, I can't help move today.  I have to go to the bank. "