Cray Cray Supercomputer

You’re high. I gently pointed out your self-contradiction and you utterly flipped out, screamed without making sense, and now you’re patting yourself on the back?  Get back on the meds--you obviously need them. 

“Blackmail payment”

The first two follow-up questions most people have when they find out someone is a vegetarian are if they eat fish and if they eat chicken, as if those aren't made of meat.

That comment has no bearing on anything discussed so far, where you contradict yourself and then get pissy when called in it. Are you high? Mentally challenged? Just not very good at following things? I’m guessing at least two of the above.

Cornwall Live makes no mention of customers entering in hopes of purchasing sex for money,”

It’s true, if you think about it.  That's why I don't think about it.  That and honey.

People can't seem to resist feeding the trolls.

Or go to the White House to send himself a memo, then claim that he has a source inside the WH. He’s like an ouroboros of stupidity: without end or beginning, constantly devouring his own idiocy.

Honestly, anyone who has ever played a Bethesda game should know it’s not going to _work_ for at least a year. And that’s just to get it to the point that it will run for an hour without crashing.

It’s OK to stop posting. I know you may feel like you just _have_ to be a part of the conversation, even if you very obviously have absolutely nothing to add.

So... as a criminal, she’s not exactly Stella?

All powerful characters have to have some weakness to even things out. Superman is vulnerable to kryptonite. Martian Manhunter is vulnerable to fire. The Flash is vulnerable to forgetting he has super speed and standing there like a moron while the bad guy gets away/hits him/kills somebody.

“maybe we shouldn’t let axe murderers just hang on to their axes after arrest”

Even charisma is subjective.  I think Jones does have it, but Davidson lands on screen with a wet thud.

The point that you argue like a five year old? Yes, we're in agreement there.

Oh, it is funny watching you melt down. I’ll keep coming back for more of that. Oh, and if you don’t respond you’re a pedo cuck—that’s how your pathetic attempt to get ahead of the situation works, right

I found something even more awesome than Labo! What I do is take $100 bills, fold them into elaborate shapes, then flush then down the toilet. Fun!

On that we agree. I made fun of your stupid Objectivist classism the way I make fan of anti-vaxxers, Scientologists, flat-earthers, or any other willfully stupid, harmful point of view. But none of these groups nor you are relevant enough to “get to me.”

Ohm not sure our roads have the capacetence for driver's that are dead asleep as well as live ones.  

You have very poor reading comprehension. Wait, scratch the reading part from that.