You tried to explain your self-contradiction like a five year old... maybe try explaining it like an adult?
You tried to explain your self-contradiction like a five year old... maybe try explaining it like an adult?
I don’t think it’s a great idea to start at Taco Bell with somebody else’s recs at all. Go to the website and you can see exactly what ingredients are in each item, let your own tastes guide you. Plus you can do that without holding up the line.
You have a lot more trust in the auto industry than I do. You think that left to their own devices they'll do the right thing in a thoughtful way. I think they'll do whatever gets them the best numbers for the quarter so they can get the biggest bonus, regardless of any other consequences.
Yes, but you still used it exactly the way you said nobody does. If you wanted to say that nobody uses that term ( which isn’t true—just look through the replies to this article), you could have just said “no one uses the term ‘flyover’”, but you called him a flyover person, thereby using the term.
I always ask if they mean biblical marriage like Jacob the patriarch’s, you know: one man, his first cousin, her sister, and their two servants.
Its fine if you believe that. Don’t expect anyone else to, though, or try to bar anyone from having a different view of marriage. Not in the U.S.A., anyway, because it violates the principles our nation was founded on.
Carving out some space for mass transit and pedestrians does not mean "the end of cars". Let me guess, you also think AOC's call for better rail travel to offer options for travelers means she wants to outlaw air travel and cows, OMG!!!!
“LOL, I love how you “flyover” people (which nobody actually calls you, but you cling to in order to play victim) are so obsessed with “city folk” and assume they hate you, when in reality they don’t think about you at all.”
Because you seem like a real dick and are pissing all over the comments. You’re also a giant asshole... would you prefer I theme my comments along those lines and leave your micropenis out of it?
Wait, you’re saying your old truck had better fuel economy than a new one and using that to excuse to let the auto industry not improve fuel efficiency? Are you playing devil's advocate against your own position?
Or they can do jack shit about fuel efficiency until the next time there's a competent administration that wants higher efficiency, at which point they'll whine about how they need more time again. I know which one I think is more likely.
“I’m declaring a national emergency—a really great, terrific national emergency—over the next period of time because the loser car industry didn’t give me my way. Everyone is going to be so happy with my emergency, let me tell you—no, I won’t be specific about what people will be happy, but let me tell you the people…
I don’t eat meat, so I would eat those with or without mustard. I just know that the taste of mustard is unpleasant to me, so I avoid it. Everyone has their own tastes, and they aren’t “wrong” if they don’t match yours.
You zero-reason libertarians really are clueless. You can say whatever stupid shit you want, and I can tell you how stupid it is, even if that hurts your little fee fees. Go read your Ayn Rand and jerk of some more, if you can find your microdick.
This review doesn’t make it sound bad to me, it makes it seem like the reviewer wanted a different movie. This appears to be an action romp, which is fine with me if it’s a good action romp.
That’s a matter of opinion. I enjoy Mulaney well enough, but Ansari has always bugged the shit out of me. I don’t think his jokes are very good, and his voice is like a dentist’s drill. I’d rather listen to a Dane Cook set than Ansari (but would rather listen to a metronome than either).
Nah, they’re friends and play grabass, but J-Ju is too focused on himself and expressing his feelings through dance and musoems to form a deep romantic relationship. I see him winding up as a dance instructor on a cruise ship, occasionally hooking up with a passenger, but nothing lasting.
The Invisible Hand isn’t going to jack you off no matter how much you want it to, buddy.
I don't eat hot dogs, so nothing.
Zeke and his perfect palate are destined to take over the restaurant. He and Tina will end up together (he’s declared his intent a few times now) and have their own brand of workplace wackiness.