Cray Cray Supercomputer

OK Nilus, let's see your bank statements for the last year and see if you dared to spend any of your own money on something we consider frivolous.

Maybe some of them are naive enough to think they can get Gunn rehired, but I’d bet that the main point is to make Disney sorry.

Not what I was hoping for—I don’t care for JRPGs at all. I loved my PlayStation, though. There was a lot there for all tastes.

I feel like low beams have gotten more blinding lately, too.  I think it's one of the reasons people are abandoning cars for taller vehicles, too--not only are headlights brighter, they're all right at eye-level in a sedan.

I had a weird version of that experience on the car side. My Dad had a series of Ford’s while I was growing up and they were all complete junk. When one would completely fail he’d just replace it with another Ford. As a result, I have never owned a Ford car (I hear it’s a different story with their trucks) and can’t

That was what I was suggesting, that the preference for drinking from a glass container reinforces a lingering (and no longer applicable) bad reputation. When trying to convince people about cans, pouring into a mug might make a better initial impression.

Part of the resistance to the can may be the preference many have for drinking beer from a glass container. I prefer a bottle or mug myself, even with the same beer.

She says she's done acting, did the very minimal appearances in this last season of AD for the sake of the rest of the cast & crew. I don't blame her, I guess, but it's too bad.  

There’s a lot of people here in MN that hate spice, sure. The same as anywhere. You’ll find plenty of people on the coasts that are just as inclined towards the bland. Personally, I love love love love spicy food and I do just fine here.

He needed this to assuage his guilt about the secret second family he has in the next town over, let him have it.

Nintendo’s unofficial slogan is “Buy it again, at full price!” so I can see GameStop wanting in in that action.

They said executives, not humans.

Hi, Doctor Nick!

Congratulations, you have solved the trolley problem.

My cats wouldn’t kill me. If I died and wasn’t putting food down any more, they might nosh on me to survive, but a dog would under those circumstances, too. Or a Peruvuan soccer team.

Obviously, the unruly humans will need RFID chips implanted so the machines can know their relative value when deciding who to kill. It’s all worth it if we can text in the car, right?

There are some psychopaths out there that swerve to try to hit cats just because they’re psychopaths.  Give them a situation like this and they're in psychopath heaven.

I’m still game to move to Canada, just not to Alberta. To be fair, Alberta wasn’t high on my list of provinces/territories in the first place.

If you buy a VW, you're basically agreeing to spend a lot of time driving a Nissan Altima or whatever the loaner car is while the VW is in the shop.

Or-follow me now—E.T. is a shithead partyboy from his planet. He and his idiot friends have a spaceship because they boosted it to go joyriding. While stopping off on Earth to see if any of the local plants get them high, the Earth authorities show up and everybody bolts, leaving E T. behind.