Cray Cray Supercomputer

Sure—you don’t want it to go bad after you open it. Ah, might as well just finish it off and not take the chance.

“I think you all are missing out on a large chunk of your life actually feeling good”

I have to agree. I wonder if it would have made a difference if they had done it as an hour-long episode and cut back and forth between Charlie and the rest of the gang’s storylines instead.  It might have been easier to take Charlie's story in small bits.

I tend to find a natural look more appealing myself, but here’s the thing: it’s not about what we think. If an individual likes how they look in make-up, that is the only opinion that matters. Someone else’s face is none of our business.

Don’t bother with Big Block. He’s an unrepentant Trump-humper firmly plugged into the alternative facts ecosystem. Anything that doesn’t say what he wants it to is “fake news."

Now is not the time to discuss common-sense bomb controls!

If we’re paying over $800 for a single coffee cup, the handle shouldn’t break so easily. It should be the most dependable coffee cup in the world at that price. Our supplier needs to replace all defective cups sold immediately at their cost if they’re soaking the public for $800, defective coffee cups.

Right, videos. A YouTube stunt tends to involve people filming, was the point.

Anyone ordering from Chipotle is automatically in costume as the "before" of a diarrhea medicine ad.

Have you heard of YouTube?  Yeah, it's pretty new, most people don't know about it yet.  They tend to be video-heavy over there.

“But he gave it away like an asshole...”

The tech is nowhere near ready. We need decades more development and testing and a lot of advancement in smart roads like the Honda intersection before cars are ready for full autonomy.

Jurassic World 2 came out this summer, so it’s a timelier reference than Split, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or Lovecraft's ouvre.

An alternate personality for Tobey Maguire.  Neither is interesting enough to remember how to spell their name.

In defense of us olds, this is an extremely dumb phrase. We should all feign ignorance when people try to use it until they stop.

Yes, the damn meat-covered salads! Salad is supposed to be my safe option when everything else has meat on it, and they go covering it in meat. Arrgh!

Tombstone’s sauce really is too sweet. You can improve it some with some spices of your own, though. Digiornos pulled a New Coke by changing to a horrible, soapy-tasting sauce and then back to the mediocre original.

I always thought Grace would have been a much better Spider-Man than McGuire. Even before getting powers, Peter was a wiseass. Snark was his defense mechanism, and Grace is good at snark.

But you can get Chinese food delivered at 2AM!!! Just when no sane person wants Chinese food and should be sleeping.

I’ll have to rewatch that episode sometime, I guess. The stunts are incredibly similar.