Cray Cray Supercomputer

Very good idea, IMO.  I certainly don't mind the idea of a backup camera/nav display, I just don't want my stereo and environment controls jammed into a touchscreen head unit.  Your solution would fix that, but it would cost manufacturers slightly more to implement, so unfortunately I don't think it will be common.

I’m all for it, but the auto manufacturers are the ones you need to convince.

I’m all for it.  Convince auto manufacturers to go that way instead of a central touchscreen, please.

I think the rise of SUVs, crossovers, and generally taller vehicles is exactly why the NHTSA made the rule, for exactly the visibility reasons you describe.  I'm not against backup cameras at all, but I'm not thrilled that the standard implementation is through an infotainment dash.

I prefer the rearview mirror integration too, but that’s not going to be the common implementation.

I didn’t actually set the policy myself, you know. It was the NHTSA.

“I played through DMC3 using only the guns, not doing any crazy combos or anything, and it was the most forgettable game I’ve ever played.

I agree, but backup cameras are mandatory now, so we're kind of stuck with screens.

There had to be somebody, a pineapple virgin, who decided to pick one up and finally try it, and consequently would up with a very distorted opinion on pineapples.

You’re taking home slightly more each pay period, but you’ll be paying much more in taxes, especially after the non-millionaire plums expire. The Republicans dangled short-term gain in front of the middle class to distract from the screw job we got, and a lot of suckers actually fell for it. By the time you lot figure

Sweatpants, eh? Well, lah-ti-dah, aren’t you fancy? I’m not going to get all dressed up to work on my night cheese—I’m going to that fridge in boxers and undershirt the way the snacking gods intended!

My mom used to mix PB, honey, and powdered milk to make edible (and tasty!) clay for me and my brother as a snack/playtime. It’s super easy to make and kids love that they can play with their food.

He originally had an accomplice to ade and abet his crimes, but their partnership hit a sour note.

I don’t really care. I’m not a Producer, I get no points on the movie.

I rarely go to theaters, and never the first week. The theater experience is terrible because of the other patrons. There’s guaranteed to be at least one jackass on his cell phone running the experience.

Drunk currently! Thanks for asking!

I don’t gnocci what’s worse: the constant stream of surprise puns around here orzo the fact that I farfelle for them on the fregula.

I guess it depends on your perspective. And alcohol intake—you see, you forgot about the booze.

That’s what the Dr. is for: to remove that embarrassing fork.  A forkectomy, if you will 

It’s a gravy crime this flake committed, and he may not be alard bail.