Cray Cray Supercomputer

If you had an OBDII scanner plugged in at the time, you would have seen the Mustang wondering where the coffee shop with all the juicy pedestrians was.

Eek, you used the wrong homophone for eke!

So _that's_ why I heard someone call him a son of a hitch once!  I thought my hearing was going.

Sure, you can make funny remarks like that, or that the Mustang was just trying to use its Moviepass before the company goes bankrupt, but the truth is that this is not funny.

“It never bothered me when I bullied or assaulted people, therefore no one else possibly could be bothered.

Ha, probably true... Unless it was blueberry wine, maybe. Or blackberry brandy.

So, Elon... Maybe the time you spend making stupid, possibly SEC-sanctionable tweets and complaining about how hard it is to be you could be better used sleeping or spending time with your family?

To be brutally honest, I don’t think you understand the difference between honesty and being a gigantic, pustulated asshole. Maybe change your handle to “Giant Asshole: Whatever Goes In, Shit Comes Out”?

Or, as the Bear News Daily reported it: Local Bear Faces Discrimination at Liquor Store.

True—a lot of people may not have access to AMC, especially outside the U.S. I watch it on AMC, but still buy each season on Blu-Ray as it’s released, because I want to support it and will definitely rewatch.

I’ve looked a bit, and I just cannot find a picture of these where you can get a sense of scale. Like, a picture of a human being next to one would be great. I want to see if the controls are too durn small to use, or what.

I’ve looked a bit, and I just cannot find a picture of these where you can get a sense of scale. Like, a picture of

I stuck with it through the dark days to the Winter Soldier reveal despite thinking about abandoning it, so I can’t answer for those that left. There may just be too much quality TV out there for people to circle back to anything, I guess.

With Paxton and MacLachlan especially, there was real glee in their performances that made them fun to watch. They got to go as broad as they wanted to, chew any scenery that looked tasty, and they were loving every minute of it.

The U.S. has a LOT to answer for, both from previous actions and the current administration. My point is that you have to separate the nation as an entity from the people as individuals. I and MANY other Americans do not support the current administration and their litany of abuses and atrocities.

Bullshit. You went on a tirade about all Americans and started throwing ”you people” around in a previous thread. I pointed out that you were exhibiting the kind of bigotry you usually decry and gave you several chances to rephrase, but you doubled-down and kept throwing out the negative stereotypes.

Affleck did fine with what he was given, but what he was given was a streaming turd. He didn’t stand out as a weak point, but didn’t stand out as a highlight, either.

You are absolutely a bigot. You have expressed your hatred and prejudice towards all Americans proudly in other threads. If you want to be better, judge people on their words and actions, and not their nationality or other circumstances of their birth.

I didn’t start playing until after Next as well. I was enjoying the game until it became clear that there is absolutely no way to go back to a part of the planet once you’ve left. I can’t jump back to or even set a marker for any of the waypoints I’ve found, which makes me wonder why waypoints even exist.

Franken asked for an investigation into ethics concerns because that was the right thing to do and would have happened anyway. He handled the past baggage coming up very well, modeling the correct way for a public official to do so. Instead of denying/distracting/circling the wagons like most pols do, he owned up.