You get a star for the Hunt for Red October quote. I work in IT and regularly ping devices. I think of that quote every time... That or the “reverify our range to target... One point only” one.
You get a star for the Hunt for Red October quote. I work in IT and regularly ping devices. I think of that quote every time... That or the “reverify our range to target... One point only” one.
Yeah, I’m fine with cilantro in moderation. Parsley, though, is disgusting and ruins any food it touches.
I was thinking a squeeze of the taco to shoot hot sauce in his eyes to start, but pretty much the same after that.
I also just don't see chocolate mixing well with the flavors on offer at Chipotle. Afterwards, in a dessert? Sure. Sips of chocolate between bites of cheese and grilled veggies? I think I'll stick with water.
Oh, he has an idea. He has lots of ideas. They’re just all very stupid, wrong ideas based on how he feels instead of fact. He’s narcissistic and ignorant enough that he believes whatever knee-jerk opinion he forms is the factual truth.
I see a lot of people saying this, but at least something _happened_ in the second half. The first half of the season was just Cage walking around, listening to long-winded speeches about what Harlem means to each character. But I also didn't find Cottonmouth to be at all compelling, so obviously I'm not getting the…
That was the point of the character, though. She was the hot mean girl Fraser had a crush on in school and hadn’t changed at all... Still terrible, but still hot. Fraser was appalled and attracted to her at the same time. It wasn’t the best plot arc, for sure, but you were meant to find her horrible.
It kinda sounds like Tambor’s little hissy fit should have been directed at Hurwitz. Or he could have been, you know, an adult and not had a hissy fit at all.
Just spin a show off for her. Arrested Development wouldn’t be the right name for her show anyway. Something like “Maebe So” or the like.
They’ll weigh 800 lbs., cost $12,000, and deafen people to half a mile away, though. This is HD were talking about.
I feel exactly the opposite. If there’s crushed-up bugs in something I think a giant disclaimer on the label should be required: “Warning, contains crushed-up bugs.”
“If people can afford the price on the menu and not tip, that’s what they’ll do.”
Warsteiner Dunkel. I like dark German lagers and Beck’s and St. Pauli Girl have become complete trash.
So you speak to the manager, they apologize to you and yell at the server. The server is punished, when most likely it was the manager’s fault that there wasn’t adequate staffing. How does this help anything?
If the same places make falafel, hummus, and spinach pies as well, I’m all for it!
If they want to use Leviticus to attack homosexuality, they’d better not eat bacon or shrimp, wear blended fabrics, or allow women in the house during menstruation. Those are all just as bad as homosexuality according to Leviticus.
Dual-use. You can also make little steamed omelettes in them. And come to think of it, I’ve steamed veggies in it, too.
I’m immature enough that I giggle every time I pass an In-N-Out burger when I’m traveling, so I’d love to have one here!