And the Tiny Voice segments. They’re fantastic.
And the Tiny Voice segments. They’re fantastic.
The desk monologue is so much better, I think. Colbert does his monologue stand-up style (I know he enjoys the practice with mime work) and I think the jokes suffer for it compared to the desk-based Colbert Report.
I’m even fine with his monologues, once he finally gets around to them. Its the 10 minutes of dancing, mugging, and nipple-play, then 10 more minutes of commentary on his dancing, mugging, and nipples before he gets around to telling a joke that bothers me.
Yep, the Pro is worth upgrading to just for the FPS stability and reduction in screen-tearing, IMO. It also offers better load times and better performance with the PSVR.
I was really disappointed with TF. The controls are heavy and sluggish, which is not good in a platformer.
Responsible Crow had been sipping an alcoholic drink out of that bottle and knew he wasn’t okay to fly, so he used the train.
It was definitely a joke, and it was well-timed not for Batman, but for Nolan. He gave us a moment to catch our breath and a chuckle before rushing us into the finale.
A lot of people (including me) consider the BTAS version the definitive one. He joked there, though always dryly.
Its funny what we choose to pick out... I was watching this episode about arguing psychics on a road trip, people being physically and mentally reshaped into other people, and delusion-birds slithering into ears, nodding along happily. Then the scene you mentioned came on and I couldn’t help asking out loud:
It took me about 5 seconds to say “hey wait, why are her eyes blue?”
Syd seemed to be showing David painful moments in her life, whether it was some hardship forced on her (bullying, isolation) or things she did that she regrets, like beating those bully girls and enjoying it. That pain, those experiences and mistakes, are part of her.
I think it was when Farouk was talking about mutants being a superior race. Oliver’s connection to Melanie, a human, shocked him out of the fugue SK has had him in.
In their defense, frozen/microwaved avocado toast is just terrible!
I agree on Howard, but I don’t think Glover is right for John Stewart, either... his energy is too youthful. You need someone with more gravitas, like a D.B. Woodside or an Idris Elba.
No, no... it’s not hypocracy when _they_ do it.
Many people are saying that season 5 is coming soon. They say that— are they right? Maybe, but I know everyone will be very happy with season 5 when it comes out, and many many people are saying that’s soon. How soon? What is soon? These are questions.
I’m still trying to come to terms with people actually wanting fruit flavor in their beer. Its beer, not a wine cooler or hard cider.
And somebody at Lifetime is already slathering Vaseline on a camera lens to get the focus soft enough for the TV movie version, excitedly muttering taglines to themselves:
There is this weird rage at the idea that anyone dare not eat meat. I’ve had strangers actually scream at me when I chose tofu for my entree.
People don’t seem to get it. If somebody is trying to tell others what to eat, that person is an asshole. They may be a vegetarian/vegan asshole or an Atkins asshole, meatlover asshole, local/sustainable asshole, whatever. The problem is that they’re an asshole, not how they chose to express it.