Cray Cray Supercomputer

Don’t feel bad for Hammil; I think he knew The Guyver wasn’t good going in, but he read the manga as a kid and just wanted to be a part of it. I think he was having fun there even if nobody else was.

Kind of bad in a good way. Drink while you watch it to smooth out the bumps from the plot holes.

Uniracers! What a fantastic, underappreciated game!

Obama was called many contradictory things by the Right, and apparently was born in several different places, just not the one on his birth certificate. Many Dems are decried by the Right as simultaneously incompetent and elitist. Its not a one-sided thing.

I think in the scenario presented there, Trump is an incompetent, corrupt idiot who had an advisor who can tell him in little words that it world hurt the business he lyingly promised to cut ties with.

It is frustrating to watch all these superheroes go into dangerous situations without access to their powers. Sometimes I forget Ray has armor that can fly, shoot blasts, and shrink, because he never wears the darn thing.

Yeah, once the salmon ladder started wearing scarves and hanging out with Johnny Depp the showrunners realized it had gone too Hollywood and used it less and less.

I still giggle every time I hear the name Hugh because of this movie.

I’m a little puzzled... didn’t we see a scene where Yo-Yo (with arms) argues with May about accepting Kree protection/ownership after the earth was cracked? So does she get her arms back for that scene, then lose them again? Does she get a Double Coulson (two prosthetics) before that happens?

I just keep location services off until I need to use the GPS, which is rarely, and turn it back off when done. Same with wi-fi and BT— off unless actively using it.

The showrunners over on Arrow know what’s up, too. The Salmon Ladder was basically the most popular character in season 1.

That’s an interesting take. Even the teen and her dad seemed to understand that this is light hearted teasing because most of us remember being a teen crushing hard on some celebrity. The joke here isn’t anything to do with the gender or race of the girl, it’s “Michael B Jordon is _so_ hot...”

Ha, that was my first thought, too. It would be like the Sharks meeting the Jets: lame.

Firestorm is crazy powerful, but the effects were too expensive to use very often, so it didn’t do the team much good. You can do some speedster effects with a big fan and some surprised expressions, at least

The Jeep Doctor, coming this Summer on the Speed network.

“My name is Barry Allen and I am the stupidest man alive. (Huh? Fastest? Oh, right!) I am the fastest stupid man alive.”

Given the purely vestigial “windows,” I’d say it’s a tank.

You have a superfluous “’s Trade War” in your headline. Probably a typo.

I think getting rid of Drameh was the best move they’ve made since getting rid of the Hawks and Vandall Savage. He’s a pretty terrible actor.

The first thing I thought when we saw Ava with her hair down is that she could play a convincing relative of Benoist’s Supergirl.