Cray Cray Supercomputer

 After all his mistakes (going back alone, without his Atom suit, etc. ), he still could have saved it if he’d just remembered his Raiders of the Lost Ark.

When Flash and EM arrived, they moved Izzy 15 feet away and then just stood there like idiots. Why not get her completely clear before DeVoe could react?

I don’t think Villasenor did herself any favors by delivering every line the same way in her first several episodes: stare directly at camera, grin grotesquely, and speak in a foggy voice. I saw her speak normally on a recent episode and was surprised she could do so.

Trump rejected “facts” and “reality” a long time ago. They kept making him look like a complete fucking idiot just because he’s a complete fucking idiot. Unfair! Sad! cofefe

Right? It’s almost like he has no fucking clue what he’s doing. No, wait, it’s _exactly_ like that.

Nah, I think that’s part of the case for the Satriani collector’s edition box set.

I think it’s supposed to be the lying that really bothers Maze. She’s new to navigating friendships (other than Lucifer, who you know is going to be self-centered and unintentionally hurt you), and she’s surprised by these feelings herself, doesn’t know how to handle them.

Murder By Death and Clue are both fantastic! Blazingly funny murder mysteries with brilliant ensemble casts. They share so many themes (and the great Eileen Brennan), but don’t tell the same jokes. They’re a fine double-feature!

  • Sam Diamond: Shut up, all of ya’s. Nobody move!

Oh, he watches The Simpsons. He just doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t even get the point of Green Eggs and Ham.

My dad is constantly telling people in service jobs about whatever new age crap he’s reading, or a website he likes that does charity for clicks. Every time I hear that he’s done this from my mortified mother I tell him to stop it and he just won’t listen.

Ah, but then imagine the kerfuffle when I release my Untamed Oppossum Au Jus flavor of pudding!

But when I call myself Ray Ray I’m constantly being profiled by the cops.

It actually looks like CM’s costume, instead of pleather kinkwear, so I’m pleased. A lot of things in movies look silly in behind the scenes pictures; I think they can make this look fine in the finished movie.

 Right? I’m just relieved its not pleather in muted colors, or some weird unitard that a speed-skater from a country where everyone is colorblind would wear.

Pizza Hut is the worst major chain pizza. Papa John’s is nearly as bad and has a douchey owner, but Pizza Hut is never an upgrade.

Isn’t that basically what Eurovision is? Just call it Worldvision and you’ve got yourself a competition!

 Can you really trademark a descriptive word like “untamed?” Can I trademark the words “delicious” and “satisfying” to sue the majority of food and drink makers?

“i just park in the driveway.”

I just use a modest receiver with an equalizer. The important thing is that I don’t crank the bass all the way up and rip off the knob like they seem to in theaters. I might boost the center channel if dialog is much quieter than everything else — a common problem with movie sound mixing and exacerbated by the