Cray Cray Supercomputer

I rarely go to theaters anymore, because there are massive problems with the experience. First is other patrons, who absolutely WILL ruin my experience every time with their inability to stay off their cell phones for 90 minutes.

Its tough to know there’s a problem when Goodyear covers it up and destroys the evidence so no word of it ever gets out. That’s what all of these articles are about — Goodyear knowingly marketed a tire it knew would fail catastrophically in the uses they were marketing it for, covered it up, destroyed evidence, and

I dunno, some of those trees are mixed up with Big Chlorophyll.

Goodyear marketed these tires at motorhomes and fudged the numbers to get away with it. When people started dying in accidents due to these tires, GY covered it up and kept selling them as motorhome tires.

If those Huffy tires were sold to you by the manufacturer claiming they were right for your motorcycle, and somehow looked like motorcycle tires, but failed catastrophically when you tried to use them, then yes.

I’ll get to air pollution eventually, but my first move as el jefe will be sound pollution. Any car or motorcycle modified to be obnoxiously loud will be confiscated and crushed, with the cubed metal corpse deposited in the owner’s driveway.

Oliver is going to regret this if he somehow actually gets selected and has to be Prime Minister of Italy to keep the fascists out of the office. Juggling an HBO show, Broadway, and leading a major European nation is going to wear him out!

I think that was straight-up exhaustion from the press tour.

And often his only motivation for all this slaughter is being irritated that someone woke him up. Kirby is like a cthonic elder demon wrapped in a Sanrio skin.

So the cops are a hit squad? Any anonymous person can call them and say “the person at this address is dangerous” and the cops will go kill whoever is at that address without asking any questions? You’re OK with this?

You managed not to murder a child this time, have a cookie.

Its haaard not to murder innocent, unarmed people! It’s haaaarrrd!

Not this time, but cops do execute innocent civilians on swat calls:

Bullshit. It was a cop that shot an unarmed, cooperative man dead just recently. The cop that pulled the trigger was absolutely to blame for executing that man. Some asshole called the cops out, but the cop pulled the trigger and ended a life for no reason.

I loved the Riddler trophies in the earlier games, but too many of them in Knight forced me back into the Batmobile. The Batmobile wasn’t bad, but they pushed it waaay too hard. I still say City is the high point of the series.

Kushner is definitely going to flip. Not only to save his own ass, but as payback — Trump’s been fucking Kushner’s wife for years.

Carl’s Jr. has malts — not shakes, _malts_, and it has fried zucchini. I’m in a Hardee’s market, and Hardee’s just looks at you blankly if you mention either one. So “virtually identical” apparently means “the same except for the things you might actually want to eat.”

The British have made Chris Evans (no, not the buff Captain America one, the annoying, shouty redheaded one) one of their richest celebrities, so Morgan probably does fine there after getting slapped down by U.S. audiences.

Kevin’s dad is really dumb, but massively entitled and believes he’s an authority. He exhibits a compete lack of awareness of or concern for others and immediately blames his fuckups on others.

*sigh* now Mr. T is going to have to pity you, and he’s already got so many fools to pity. I hope you’re happy!