Cray Cray Supercomputer

The giant bug puppets were the best part! How are older siblings going to terrify their younger siblings without the puppets?

I’m not on a cross. I simply stated that I did not enjoy my force viewing of WSS. I didn’t tell you that you were wrong to like it, I just shared my take on the story that is featured in the article. You got defensive and attacked, because I have a different opinion of a movie.

At the least, Goodyear gets the blame for the coverup that led to more deaths.

Well, yeah, but Taco Bell isn’t really that close to Mexican food, either.

MacGuyver is an entertainingly bad show, for the most part. It’s perfect for those nights you can’t sleep and need something unchallenging to watch while sipping zzzquil.

It looks like the nachos supreme is on the menu now in the US, so it must have been the deep fryer thing.

You could have stopped reading any time. I was forced to sit through hours of “gangs” snapping in unison and swishing at each other with switchblades. And people in brownface pretending to be Puerto Rican.

The only way to watch SNL is to use the FF button liberally.

I skip 99% of the musical acts because I don’t care about most of them and everybody tends to sound bad on the SNL set anyway. If the host starts singing in the monologue, they get skipped, too. I also skip the annoying blatt-and-tootle cacaphony of the theme noise (not dignifing it as a song). Also, if a sketch just

I was forced to watch West Side Story in school and it is one of the most miserable experiences of my life. It was painfully awful—I was in actual, physical pain having to watch and listen to it.

Pease, keep arguing that the only correct use of language is incorrect use of language, it’s a fucking idiotic idea and makes you look as stupid as you are.

“lot of work when you can just decide you’re right and everyone else is wrong”

Those supreme fries look like a cross between a loaded nacho plate and poutine. Maybe that’s why they didn’t offer them here in the States?

The Right is all for the freedom to be exactly like them. If you want to live any differently they think you should be imprisoned.

Only by your logic. You’ve claimed that those examples are related to class. Not me, not any objective evidence. YOU are the one obsessed with class, you classist.

Your mission was to shoot yourself in the foot? You’re the only one getting upset. I’m mostly amused as you impotently quack like any enraged Daffy Duck.

I said nothing about Ebonics. You’re building strawmen, and you’re being a hypocritical elitist as you do it. “Well, actually, if you knew anything about linguistics...” *sniffs own farts*

Right... If I don’t embrace mishandling of English I’m a classist.

People have been saying “libary,” “acrosst,” and “irregardless” for a long time, too. Time to bravely cave in and add those to the dictionary?

I get the sense that Nintendo is bored with video games and desperately wants to do something —anything— else.