Cray Cray Supercomputer

It all depends on the person. Some people aren’t very engaging even when sober. Some people get way too drunk and sound like they’re about to barf (because they are), which is off-putting. But sometimes you get an engaging storyteller who is tipsy enough to get a little loose and have fun, but still coherent and

I didn’t treat the article, just posting here in case anyone in television marketing is reading:

That dually camper looks like it just unhinged its jaw like a snake and swallowed a small van sideways

Allen groomed his wife’s daughter when she was underage (and basically his freaking daughter), then had an affair with her that supposedly didn’t start until she was an adult. That alone puts him firmly in the creepy pervert camp as far as I’m concerned.

I watched the first season and it was really bad, but full of pretty scenery and people. Not really worth spending the time on, IMO.

The SH devs very well might never have been to an American elementary school (why would they?), but they were very well versed in Western pop culture and art. There are countless homages in Silent Hill— even the name of the school is a reference to The Midwich Cuokoos. I’d guess that someone on the team liked

Exposure absolutely has an effect. Apparently the culture at this studio was pretty toxic and nothing was being done about it. After getting negative press, I will guarantee that there is going to be an HR investigation at Quantic Dream.

It’s a site about video games and the video game industry. It’s not Happy Fluffball Kittens Can Haz Video Gamez. If there are articles that don’t appeal to you, skip them. I don’t like JRPGs, so I skip those articles. I don’t demand that Kotaku never write them again.

I was in my 30's when I played Overkill and I loved the humor. It was the game that convinced me to buy a Wii!

I’m hoping the PSVR leads to a resurgence of light-gun games playable with or without the headset (and local co-op, of course). I’d love to see a port of Vampire Night on PSN!

What do you bring to the table, other than shit-stirring online comments? I’ll trade you for a random group of immigrants.

The unusual architecture of the PS3 is biting Sony in the backside on BC. They also got a pretty terrible reaction to offering the _ option _ of a BC-capable PS3 model.

Can we finally get James Franco to go away? He’s just loathsome and ruins everything he’s in, and he’s in _everything_ lately.  

The immediate concern I had is paper cuts. They hurt bad enough on a finger!


Immediately after watching this episode, I was watching another, unrelated program and a character described himself as feeling confused and angry. Michael was right!

Evie and Jacob are contrasting characters, though, not similar. Evie is thoughtful, levelheaded, and stealthy. Jacob is a big loud careless doof.

I’d put Jacob lower, actually. All he does is create messes for Evie to clean up and smarm at people. Hell, he even smarms alone. “A lettah? Foah meeeeeee?” Kill him with fire.

It’s the one AssCreed game I have up on halfway through. So unbelievably dull.

With arms wide open, I’d imagine. And ears firmly plugged.