Cray Cray Supercomputer

Kasius is really selling the whole haughty, effete, understated menace thing. It’s what they were going for (but missed) with Ultron in AoU.

Ah, but his powers can be used to put a bunch of rocks together instead of shaking them apart. Could be useful in the floating debris field where Earth used to be...

Community wasn’t all bleak and depressive, sure. But it has a jaded, cynical edge to most of its comedy. Jeff admits several times that those inspiring, heartwarming speeches are just him blowing smoke to sway his audience. Even if he really does start to believe them a little bit himself.

It depends on where you are. My local NBC affiliate has Jeopardy at 4:30PM and Daytime Jeopardy at 3PM.

The difference in tone of the two shows is really striking, too. Community is cynical and the relationships are codependent and unhealthy, where P&R is optimistic and the characters really love each other, even the ones like Ron and April who would rather not.

I think it just means you’re capable of perceiving sensory input.

Not in my market. New episodes are at 4:30PM and Daytime Jeopardy (reruns from last year) is like an hour earlier.

Hm, I tend to get more of a “yes, I did that and worse. I’m an asshole, I know I’m an asshole and I regret being an asshole. If there is anything I can do or not do to show that I sincerely regret it, name it. If you’d rather I just leave you alone I understand, because I really am an asshole.” kind of vibe from him.

The scan beam goes out from her eyes in a cone. Since she’s tall, if you stay low and within 10' of her you could go undetected. That was what I came up with, anyway... if I really like a show, I’ll put in a little work to explain inconsistencies away.

I keep toying with the idea that the real Good Place has known what was going on the whole time and even let Michael steal Janet, just as an experiment about whether a demon, Michael, can be redeemed.

I agree. There is a solid, rather charming STNG homage at Orville’s core. I even like that there’s humor in it, but as you said, they were reaching too hard for it at first.

You’re ticking the boxes, but you’re not there yet. You also need to:

Jeopardy is kind of a formal, old - fashioned quiz show, though. Oliver and Ferguson are too good at zany to fit the dignified moderator role.

I think Jennings is the ideal choice to take over, but a cold existential dread hits me when I think of a world where there is not Jeopardy hosted by Trebek every afternoon. In our increasingly insane world, it’s one of the few things you can count on for a sense of order. It shook me badly enough when he shaved the

He wasn’t feeling well at the time, because he’d just taken a long drink of gasoline.

An Inspector Gadget hand needs to come out of the dash, grab the phone and throw it into the back seat, then slap the driver several times before retracting.

Trump would love to mandate that all cars be painted the color of tacky gold leaf / Russian hooker piss.

Yeah, ashtray or not, the kind of oblivious, entitled asshole who flicks butts is going to do it anyway.

That first email was explaining why the writer doesn’t warm up his car: he’s got a Samsung phone, so he’s already on fire.

Not sure how you thought I was excusing his behavior by calling him any asshole. I just said that as far as assholes go, I prefer the rare ones that own up to it to the assholes that deny it.