General Disarray

having been fortunate to be relatively healthy for most of my life i had no idea how prevalent opioid dependency has become in our country. just reading the comments alone i’m finding out there are a lot of people out there dealing with chronic pain. the cause of Prince’s untimely death is bringing this issue to the

and don’t forget the women. basically anyone who’s not a straight, white male should be very afraid of a Trump administration.

well she’s not very dark to begin with, on stage you can’t even tell she’s black. which is part of the reason i never really understood why she got so much grief for being a black ballerina. she’s barely black.

hmmm, i dunno, it looks more like she saw him and ducked for cover so that she wouldn’t have to talk to him.

seriously? dayum, u must be a millennial.

yeah we were a lot more European back in the 70's. a commercial like that would be totally scandalous today.

i’m sure it’ll happen after she buys the baby.

so, in a hip replacement, do they actually take out the entire hip and put in an artificial one?

i was skeptical when i first heard they were doing a movie but i actually laughed a few times watching the trailer. lookin forward to seeing my favorite drunk bitches on the big screen.

my vagina has good hair.

instead of him sitting on Michael’s shoulders, why can’t George sit on Michael’s lap? why does the black man always have the white man weighing him down?

he should switch to doing porn. preferably gay porn but i’ll take what i can get.

yeah i thought the same thing. but it’s easy to understand. Prince was a local hero. he was proud to be from Minneapolis and they were proud of him.

i grew up at a time when Prince, Micheal Jackson, and Madonna were in heavy rotation on MTV; they were the big three. hard to believe that now Madonna’s the only one left with us. i feel old now. RIP Prince Rogers Nelson.

yeah, i think the death knell for slips was when it became outerwear in the 80s.

well of course babyparts are being sold for profit. where do you think those delicious baby back wings come from? they’re unformed baby parts. duh.

back then an intelligent mouth, in women, meant they kept it closed.

i’ve just recently noticed that women no longer wear pantyhose anymore. i grew up in a time where my mom was never without her pantyhose ... or a girdle.

at 84 i’d say that photo is still appropriate.

actually they’ve done promos stating that they really do like each other immensely. but the show brings out their competitive edges, and that’s what you see.