General Disarray

black? that's news to me.

in related news 47 year old Halle Berry says, "whatev, i still look like i'm 30, so y'all can just suck it."

i dunno but she looks like she could totally kick his ass.

one thing i don't like about modern pop music is that everyone takes themselves way too seriously. omg enough already. people rag on 80s music but even the bad stuff was fun. and people weren't afraid to let their freak flag fly. for whatever reason we all kinda went a little bit crazy in the 80s. sometimes i miss

i don't see what the big deal is. of course there's gonna be people who wanna be white. just like there are those who wanna be darker and go to great lengths to achieve that. tanning is a billion dollar industry afterall.

he is kinda hot with that beard. what's his ethnic background?

i never expected this but Beyonce has become this generation's Madonna. of all the blonde bimbettes over the past couple of decades that have been heralded as the "new Madonna" none of them had that two very important ingredients that Madonna had which helped give her staying power unheard of in the music industry;

oh dear. now all the Baggers are gonna pounce on that statement calling for his impeachment all over Bagger-land saying the president eats crack pies.

i met my husband at a pygmy midget sex show in Thailand.

silly. vaginas don't exist at Apple.

he's right. as a Gen Xer i remember what a big deal it was having a gay character on TV in the 80s. it was the only reason i watched Dynasty. this generation grew up on shows like Will n Grace, and with gays being much more front and center in pop culture than they ever were just a couple of decades back.

i was a kid in the 70s, so i remember when basketball uniforms were quite a bit shorter. today they've gotta be the most unflattering sports uniforms of any sport. frankly they look like clowns. the thing is maybe that's the way it should be because most of todays players arne't very attractive and i'd rather not see

wow! even J Lo and Beyonce would be jealous of that ass.

man, that is one ugly, demon looking kid. i wouldn't have kept that one.

not guilty? ok. so basically she's the OJ Simpson of gingers.

omg that gif is so awesome!

seriously? because he was black. blacks never get the same degree of latitude as other groups. that's why they were so happy back when OJ got aquitted. it's not that they didn't believe he actually did it; they knew he did it but he got off. which was basically unheard of for them.