It would be awesome if at the climax of the third game, Sephiroth removed his mask and revealed himself to be Chadley all along.
It would be awesome if at the climax of the third game, Sephiroth removed his mask and revealed himself to be Chadley all along.
if you were to post this on Jalopnik you’d be shouted down by an angry mob of idiots who insist that speed is not related to traffic accidents as long as you are a skilled driver (coincidentally everyone at Jalopnik is evidently a hidden F1 driver).
there was a moment during last night’s game in which the telecast did a recap of who did what during the anthem (an inactive Texan player raised his fist). Lasted a few seconds. This sort of thing was front page news just two weeks ago.
As a Cardinals fan, the only important number of games they lost that year was 4. In the World Series. :p
Damn, that ball bounced a long ass away back toward the infield
Considering Gawker was found guilty, you can’t really say it was meritless.
“The point is, you are alive...when they try to be fwiends with you...”
Maybe next time, try to show a little respect.
+1 Smoke on the Water
Hmmm, who would have thought he was really a Nice guy.
I think we all can agree on one thing: group texts are THE WORST.
Has the site/app ever worked perfectly on the first Sunday of the season? Of course not.
Me: *jumps on one wall at the start of a match* “Wee! that was fun!” *Stays on ground rest of match*
We know NOW that the first two hours is the whole game. Based on statements by the developer, it’s entirely understandable to think there was more ahead. Even after launch when two players in the exact same place couldn’t see each other, Murray wouldn’t admit there was no multiplayer.
ITT anti-consumer idiots try to pass the blame of false advertising onto the consumers for getting duped.
You do realise that the amount of time spent playing a game is entirely irrelevant if the product can be proven to be missing features that were advertised right? Under consumer protection laws you are legally…
I’ve always loved the Miz’s ability to cut a good promo. Even when it’s a work, he pulls from his real life grievances. In spite of his success, he still has a chip on his shoulder.
Speaking as someone that was an EA admin, you’re entirely full of shit. You’re trying to pass off the consequences from a well-vetted, appeals-heavy process as some sort of arbitrary thing. You got caught, you got banned - quite possibly by me or one of my team - and you’re crying about it.
Suck it up, Buttercup. You…
If you turn the lens inward, you can see similar things on some Gawker Science Fiction and Fantasy websites.