Maybe the fact that you have to keep emphasizing that the article is supposed to be a joke is a clue as to why people don’t like it? This is unfunny, annoying click-bait garbage.
Maybe the fact that you have to keep emphasizing that the article is supposed to be a joke is a clue as to why people don’t like it? This is unfunny, annoying click-bait garbage.
BUT it isn’t funny? Like, not even a little bit. That’s the problem people are having with it. Duh
The “never completed, too boring” player reviews for RDR2 were “lengthy?” That seems hard to imagine.
Deadspin: The Onion, you ain’t.
You’re hilarious
Jesus, man
This happens every year
I loved this article. I loved it like I love NFL football. That is to say that I hate it and I think it sucks. But I also kinda liked it because I bet money on my fantasy league and Wilson was mentioned and he got me like 26 points. Then again there was the race-baiting bullshit at the end, and I’m more of a soccer…
Just sayin...
Great piece, Billy. This dude is criminally underappreciated, if not underrated. I play a lot of FIFA, and even his electronic self is overlooked. He starts every new iteration of the game with stats that are far too low, and inevitably gets like four or five upgrades throughout the year so that he finally becomes one…
And they say Cardinals fans are bad. Christ. This entire comment section is absolute lunacy, with people taking shots at Texas and Canada, and disputing each other’s manhood/baseball knowledge as if the two are connected. This is fucking embarrassing.