Over the years, I’ve seen the people-on-the-streets shots and celeb pics showing hemlines to the ground, and I thought of those people as trash people who make very, very bad choices.
Over the years, I’ve seen the people-on-the-streets shots and celeb pics showing hemlines to the ground, and I thought of those people as trash people who make very, very bad choices.
gaslighting can make someone doubt their own sanity (been there!)
This problem is also in India where there is no one child policy. The issue is a countryside cultural problem instituted by backward thinking hillbillies.
We already know it’s not. I’ve seen people suggest that the scarcity will give women more power and options, but except for the highly educated elite with the opportunity to leverage their situation, the opposite has been true. Women in China are increasingly being kidnapped by “bride brokers” who are paid by…
The USSR had a huge surplus of women post-WWII and the women there somehow managed to survive without trafficking men from other countries.
Donald Trump is a 71-year-old man with the emotional development of a 13-year-old.
YES to point B, but my biggest problem is that so many places are becoming dog places. Like offices. Offices are for human adults. And coffee shops. And clothing stores. And restaurants that are indoors.
Doesn’t have to be in-house daycare but policies allowing more flexible working arrangements still seem hard to come by. If you can have a dog at work I don’t see why a child-caring parent couldn’t pick their kid up from school and then work another hour from home or with the kid under their supervision at work.
Yeah, I’m often told by people that they prefer dogs over cats because they find litter boxes gross. Like, more gross than having to bag up dog poop in the rain? I’ll never understand.
I have to appreciate the irony that the animal that actively cleans itself and chooses to crap in scented gravel is the one less likely to be accepted.
This is a perfectly acceptable list of demands. What kind of assholes have you been encountering who object to this list?
You know what I hate? The fact that “pet friendly” is usually code for “dog friendly only, no other pets”. Notably for hotels. Thank goodness its been years since I’ve had to travel such distances with a cat that required a hotel stay, but it does happen (especially for moves) and most of the time when a hotel says…
And also most these places as far as I’m aware still have shit policies when it comes to childcare yet now everyone and their mum can bring pets in.
As a city dweller, I just cannot fathom the amount of untreated dog urine that is deposited on our streets and buildings and the raw dog poop that ends up in landfills. If it were human waste there would be a huge public outcry about the uncleanliness of it all. But noooooooo.
Years from now, when the historians write the history, it will be interesting to overlay his action vs the pace of investigation.
Well he’s only doing it to distract from the Russia probe. New subpoenas issued today for PR firms linked to Manafort and Flynn.
From Behind the Bush, the Sean Spicer Story
This is a good take by Pelosi. Heaven Forefend, the Democrats might actually learn to keep their eyes on the prize! Great day in the morning — it’s like a full-size spare tire!
That’s the healthiest response to this story. Spicer’s departure has zero impact on politics or the House of Representatives.