
It's really unfortunate that there are countries where FGM is practiced, and countries where prosecutors can appeal an acquittal.

Naw, we say it all the time, but when we do, it's as a humorous euphemism for "Be right back, I need to go utterly wreck a toilet."

Except that there's no payoff at the end. He doesn't one-up his wife or turn the tables or anything; there's no emotional arc. There's no climax. His life was cool when the story starts and now he's estranged from a bunch of his family and really sad about it. Whose "revenge fantasy" is that?

To many people, it often seems that women in the slash community have decided that "gay sex" is always sexy, that queer is always cute, and that we can take ownership of the gay male experience by writing about it and reading each other's writing.

Not to mention, true to a certain type of form: "something extremely barbaic happened as a result of violent patriarchy in the Muslim world, but its our fault, because reasons."

Yeah... I'm not gonna. I'd have to go Googling for it, and it's already something I wish I didn't know. The famous chemist Lavoisier was a victim of the Reign of Terror, though, and I think he was one of the... participants; I'd start there.

Experiments performed during France's Reign of Terror pretty strongly established that a human head can survive, consciously, for at least a couple of seconds after being separated from the body. At least eight seconds, sometimes as long as 30.

I cannot stress how important spanx are to make you look your best.

What will they do if a thunderstorm or hail begins?

There was a pretty substantial amount of reporting this year that used Tesla Model S's were selling above their new purchase price:

No, we get it, but that's not how pressures work. (That's actually not how differences work, either.) The difference between one millibar of pressure and 1013 milibars is 1012 milibars, and it's the exact same pressure differential between 1013 milibars and 2025 milibars. Same stress on the pressure vessel, same

If she dumps you, it'll be into a shallow grave in some third world hellhole. Obv.

But he does not fit the description of the terrorist. He is a completely different color and build.

By then it was known that the female hostage-taker at the other location had escaped by pretending to be one of the released hostages, so a little prudence with a guy who could fit the description of the shooters doesn't seem untoward.

Just so we're clear, you're responsible for what other people do under the name of your hashtag, but not under the name of your faith. Good to know!

You've made a lot of good points throughout this thread, and I just wanted to add that it's precisely because this is all so hand-wavy - you can't just solve an equation for how much each actor should be paid for a movie that hasn't been made yet - that women come out the worse. Because it's such a holistic, intuitive

In fact it was fully documented, in a particularly notorious case that's been the subject of medical ethics papers ever since:

Well, no; in the first case you're actually taking a step to make the restaurant profitable in the future. That's the investment - the money you give to the restaurant that gets them off the ground. In the second case, you're wagering on the restaurant's stake being worth more next year without doing anything to

I'm not sure how it's "partial cannibalism" just because it's not 100% the flesh of another person. If you eat a guy's liver with fava beans and a nice chianti, it's not "partial cannibalism" because of the fava beans. It's 100% cannibalism because it's another person's liver.

LOL! Yes, assuming you bought Class A and not the Class C stock which is now the only stock they issue, you have the right to participate in "elections" the Class A shareholders can never have any hope of influencing, because Brin and Page's Class B stocks (which they hold the vast majority of) have ten votes each.