I’m struck by how all your examples were exactly what he was talking about.
I’m struck by how all your examples were exactly what he was talking about.
Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing…
I feel sorry for people who need a shame step in order to reform behavior. I feel sorry for people who need an “I am” before they can move to “I do”. I feel sorry for people that need others to take the shame step because they were never taught you can skip it. Shame is a useless emotion and actually a way to avoid…
Had he hit any of the people he shot at, cops and non-cops alike, would those photos horrify you as much as this one? Look at these people scrambling for safety while this asshole blasts away with no regard for the life of anyone around him:
There is a precedence to this though. Bill Gates wound up making his fortune when someone noticed his firebreathing act when he used to open gratis for REO Speedwagon, and Warren Buffet got his start working for free as a ring girl in backyard wrestling tournaments that were frequented by Wall Street talent scouts.
I'm going to be extremely cynical for a moment, and this is not a indictment of your general reporting of this subject. But let me get this straight: You got a tip from Gamergate that the people responsible for the most repugnant attacks against Ms Sarkessian were known to them. At a point when drama over this had…
I'd like to get away from the insane sideshow that is Gamergate and talk some about the original intent of The Zoe Post.
Come on, it's got "best" right in the name. But seriously, the Besta series brings a crazy amount of customization even by IKEA standards, starting simple and affordable and expanding to include everything from floating cabinets to pink accents. [IKEA Besta]
Come on, it's got "best" right in the name. But seriously, the Besta series brings a crazy amount of customization…
Wow, some random bullshit website that has a blatant agenda.
Once upon a time it was willow bark extract. Now it's acetylsalicylic acid. No one at Bayer is grinding down willow bark to make into aspirin.
Not to always be the Cold Hard Science person, but:
Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared…
I would get the Jamiroquai CD. It's mine.
When you walk into a shoe store, you'll see a ton of options for different types of shoes. The thing is, those shoe…
"But we know that the victims of sexual abuse suffer the same effects whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday."
what the fucking fuck? so it was OK for Jefferson to have slaves ("have" in every sense of the word). Whenever anyone uses the "things were different then and we can't judge someone from that time by our standards" I always come back to the Jefferson argument.
Your headline is a bit misleading. He's clearly referring here to his own specific circumstance, and his own feelings about it. He himself can't find it in him to condemn what happened to him as a kid in school. Why act like he said that we should legalize pedophilia or something?
i've been hearing that this was taken completely out of context and he was saying HE couldn't condemn what happened to him the way HE condemns the same acts today. And that HE wasn't held back by it and that he thinks his classmates weren't either. and that the quote is taken differently than it appears in the…
Rough headline. Dawkins actually says he considers his public-school experiences not a big deal to his peer group - but that he unequivocally condemns the same behaviors in a contemporary context.