
Changes like, they make fewer of the games she doesn't like. Yes, I've watched the videos. She never makes a quantitative argument ("there are too many of these games"), she just complains about the existence of games she doesn't like, highlights some of the games she does, and wants there to be no more of the ones

Yes. Faith is "trust despite evidence to the contrary." Trust that a God for whom no evidence exists, exists. Trust that things that look like they're not going to work out, will. Or, as the Bible says, "the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." Not literally unable to be seen by the eye, of

Personally, every thing we learn about HOW we were created, how things interact, subatomic particles, etc etc etc, all that shit reinforces my faith.

You're conflating "trust" and "faith."

That is both ridiculous and astoundingly untrue. Most of her supporters responded calmly and rationally without any "hellfire or brimstone."

You didn't show that gamergaters will be happy with SJW involvement. You said they would be happy if they keep to the role gamergaters would be happy they took. Big difference.

And the article he wrote about her was published before they started seeing each other.

But that's exactly what Germany did. They didn't invade France for any reason having anything to do with their interests in Serbia, because they had practically none. It was just a convenient political situation that they exploited to try to seize territory in the rest of Europe.

Can't "women on the Internet are subject to disgusting, misogynistic abuse" and "video games journalism industry practice raises troubling ethical concerns" both be issues that merit some of our attention?

I assume you say "essentially harassing" because these videos don't actually constitute harassment of Zoe Quinn - just criticism.

Until you can show gamergaters will be happy with "SJW" involvement, it will remain incorrect.

I correctly said there isn't an anti-gamergate side.

Spaces cultivating and fomenting hate speech like misogyystic (not just sexist) speech are not "safe" spaces.

Both parties have confirmed that they were in a sexual relationship, in fact. There's not any dispute that they were sleeping together, and that he reviewed her game. It's just a matter of the timeline, and we have no evidence in support of their conveniently-exonerating version of events. The mere appearance of

Are you saying that World War I was a war about assassinations? That the focus of German aggression in WWI was about trying to put a few more bullets in Archduke Ferdinand? That the sole battlefield in WWI was Sarajevo, Bosnia? That every member of the German and Russian armies were members of the Black Hand?

they think Gawker is "unethical" but how is pulling ads inspiring the solving of ethics issues

What makes it "safe", then, if the conversation has to be curtailed for fear that someone will label it "hate speech"?

Why isn't Mass Effect a game that caters to women, which is literally a game where you can put a female protagonist in place of the male one?

I don't think anyone is saying we need to stop talking about the death threats and harassment; I think what we're saying is that we need to start talking about death threats and harassment even when they're directed to people who aren't women in video games development, journalism, or criticism; even when the source

Do you understand that "from it's very inception, Gamergate was steeped in threats and hate speech" and "the threats and hate speech came later" are opposite and contradictory claims? Because you've now made both.