crashedpc /sarcasm

Benedict Cumberbatch, probably.

Another year has come, and another week of Toybox posts has ended - and there's some announcements to be made. Let's

The nurse's office costs your MC's level * 1000.

Nothing will stop him from getting that box. He will level Beantown if he has to.

Those are seriously bullshit apples. This is such a food-dick thing to say, but apples are one of the foods with the biggest drop-off from farmer's market/orchard to regular grocery store, where they're all bred for size and color and stackability and durability.

Look, if they eat all the Christmas cookies, it's clear they're already planning your murder. They're taking the food. It's self-defense at that point.

I'm an actor and part of me hates the unfairness with which Anne Hathaway is treated. However, she was not good in this. If it was a stage version of the film, she would've been great. But indeed the theatrical bone in her refuses to be muted down for film (that's a very particular skill and one not all actors have

It is the article here, not the Decision, that is fundamentally flawed.

I can die a happy man now I've been mentioned in an io9 article!

Seriously? Try reading the actual discussion section. There are so many people disagreeing with each other on so many different topics, it's phenomenal.

On the contrary, your contributions would be 30% more valuable.

And the post was removed! Oh, man, he should have made up a story that stood up to more than a couple of seconds of scrutiny.

"considering the mountain of lies spouted by people like Zoe and like Sarkeesian I would be extremely surprised to find a single shred of evidence, other then tweets of "OMG guys someone wants me dead" or "I've got threats again I'm staying with friends" to back up these accusations. In the MONTHS between Anita's

THANK YOU for what you said about Gamergate. Thank you.

The most dangerous game. MUAHAHAHAHA!

I'm all about the idea, but this seems like it's needlessly confusing. Doesn't already have this covered?

I will never say no to another geeky, gadgety spinoff, especially if it's toy-related. However, don't we already have one called Toybox? Or am I not understanding the purpose for that one?

Soothes the fiery ring of Mount Doom!