
As much as we hate our elected officials, we also seem strangely reluctant to ask very much of them, lest someone

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

I think the correct term is Dwarf

The NFL needs to give this guy another chance, it’s not like he killed five hookers while at SMU.

That’s kinda like saying 19th century Europe was racist as fuck and imperialist garbage.

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

Hey guys, good job. You did exhaustive research trying to prove this guy to be a liar, but came up short. Alas, you ran with the pointless story anyway.

read whatever you want man

I hope it is released in theaters nationally. The empty theaters will hammer home the fact that nobody outside of The Internet gives a shit about “Gamergate”.

Yes, they absolutely would. And a move like that against an outlet like Kotaku would send a clear message to anyone else thinking of following suit that embargoes are not to be trifled with. Meanwhile every other game site on the planet would be getting advanced coverage of Bethesda’s next massive blockbuster game,

Oh, you’re a professor of literature. I had no idea. HEY EVERYONE! WE have a lit professor here. We all need to listen very carefully because what he/she says is more important and his/her opinion is more valid because he/she teaches lit.

Why is Randle taking a shit on the field?

What do all three have in common? They all got away with “it”.