Crantz Bingle

Hand to God, I still know all the lyrics to that song by heart. Yeah, so that's a thing.

This may be sacrilege (wait … no, it's not. We're talking about people acting in movies we watch. I'm taking this way too seriously. Never mind), but I firmly believe Aykroyd's best film role to date, and likely ever, is Grocer in Grosse Pointe Blank.

But Star Trek: Enterprise did follow up on that, though. And, given that the whole dang episode was just a fun goof with Forrest-Gump-y character insertion, I feel it's less of a copout and more of a "this is really, truly all we can and need to say here" moment that I still find hilarious.

It's really Whitney Houston on the drums.

As cool as this one is, I do like the official video for this quite a lot. Shot in B&W, it features long-time character actor Joey Slotnick (he's one of those "that guy" actors and was on "The Single Guy" on NBC in the mid-90s) awakening in a hospital, bandaged head-to-toe. As he unravels the wraps and gets dressed,

I don't remember the circumstances of why I didn't do that — I've definitely done that before — but I think I assumed the manager was either not in, or didn't care. As to why I didn't bail sooner, I can't say. I must really have been craving that burrito, shenanigans be damned.

I'll buy that it's legit. I had a similarly bizarre experience at a Taco Time drive-through in Seattle about 12 years ago in broad daylight.

The young soldier that we see in closeup yelling at Tom Hanks while he's temporarily dazed/deafened was a good friend and fellow theater student of a friend of mine. I saw the film with my friend, who'd shown me photos/videos of said friend, so when we saw his friend's big moment (which he didn't know where or when in

It's clickbait .. in diguise!

I paid $3 for it. Am I doing it wrong? Asking for a friend.

Huh… I enjoyed it the fourth time I saw it, in a near-capacity crowd over a month after the film's release no less, as much as I did the first time. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Eh, I think I'm OK.

Can't agree more. Wildly creative creatures and scenes can't mask its total and unsatisfying lack of an interesting story. And the ending, which I guess Mieville thought would be profound or thought-provoking, is a disappointing and tasteless capper to a tedious, pretentious, self-satisfied slog of a novel.

I've come around it for a few reasons. One, it echoes Mike's fate of ending up part of the establishment you'd rebelled against. And it's foreshadowed by the fixer guy with his "empires fall" warning. I also don't mind that Hanzee/Tripoli eventually is taken out "easily" by Malvo since "mythical" violent figures

But folks are doing such a good job articulating all the overarching themes and sentiments and such! To each their own, but every fate felt perfect to me. I'm just a sucker that way.

As confirmed by Zahn McClarnon and speculated elsewhere, Hanzee undergoes extensive plastic surgery, eventually becoming Moses Tripoli, the mob bossed killed by Malvo in Season 1. (Which makes Lou the father-in-law of the guy who killed the guy who killed him.)

Here's what's killing me: we watched it live via the FXNOW channel on our Roku, and through some glitch, Hank's explanation of the language got cut off after 5 seconds, midword. The show then jumped to Lou and Betsy in bed saying good night , then end of episode. I thought it was Hawley creating another mystery, but

I thought that Gene Simmons/demon ad was just a nightmare from my childhood. Thanks for puttin' that on the ol' front page-a-roo, AVC!

I must be immune to the badness of this song. Maybe because I heard it so much as a kid? I dunno. It's just meh for me, more than anything else. But I respect everyone else's seemingly universal bile towards it.

Did he have his gun? Or was he just tying knots? I'll have to go back and watch.