Crantz Bingle

Season 5 is my fave.

You are correct. Season 5 is in a tie with season 1 as the best of the series.

I hate actresses being deemed too old to play roles in films for such reasons, but yes, this is NOT that at all. The character's in high school; don't cast someone who's a doctorate post-grad.

Grievous faux pas on my part! Sorry, I don't spend enough time on comment threads to know the intricate dance that is Good Posts. Thanks for setting me straight!

So, what's the over/under on JJ and Tavis addressing these horrifying new revelations here?


I first remember seeing him in Boogie Nights, as the Pep Boys manager who marries Becky Barnett and (in theory) whisks her away from the world of porn. And I was glad for it, because she was one of the few people in the movie who seemingly avoided a grim/sad/violent fate.

Precisely, precisely, precisely the only two season that need to be seen, yes. 1 and 5. Agree.

Vic Mignogna or GTFO.

You are not alone in your hatred. I've written essay-length breakdowns of how it fails in terms of character believability, gimmicky gotcha narrative tricks and deeply dumb, infuriatingly illogical plotting. And the end tries to shock, but doesn't even come close to earning it.

Holy crap, I used to sing this in karaoke years ago. "Look at me, I can croon an old 50s tune!" But yeah, way, it's a sexual predator's anthem and I now want to part of it. No part, I say!

This looks like the worst impulses of Tim & Eric run amok, but with a "message."

But is it funny?

Thank you, this. I thought this was an Onion/Clickhole headline at first. But when you're reviewing TV for the AV Club, you gotta have that voice *nailed* by minute five or risk incremental grade droppage.

For the win.


Hang On To Your Ego reference or GTFO

To be fair, Spirited Away is a triumph of visual mastery and creativity. I just can't stand films with no coherent narrative, story arc, or satisfying conclusion.

Spirited Away, Lost in Translation, Pan's Labyrinth, and Amelie. Man, that felt good to get off my chest!