
Looks pretty good. At the very least it’s a lateral move from the old Splash Mountain. Based on previews I thought the Tiana and Louis animatronics would be on-ofs but they’re damn near everywhere.

Aw, did that strike a chord with you visandus? Take that statement a little too personally? Good.

It’s like asking someone who only reads The Onion and r/conservative to write a thesis about slavery in the United States. No matter what it’s going to be wildly inaccurate and utter gibberish.

Another thing to note is that those polls are entirely focused on self-described Conservatives, the most likely to vote for Trump. Undecided voters make up about 10-15% of the total electorate, and Trump can’t win without all of them voting for him. If even 10% of Trump’s base are breaking against him, I can only

Aw, is that the best you’ve got visandus? Too busy eating a giant bowl of shit?

Cope harder, cunt.

I dunno, by my math it comes down to PA and GA. Biden can afford to lose one but not both. The GOP in the other swing states (AZ, NV, MI, WI) have pretty much imploded since 2020. Not the best position to be in, but I’m more confident about GA than PA. That said, Trump still won’t win the popular vote.

I’m guessing he ditches SS detail on the way to the airport for a one-way trip to Saudi Arabia, and Biden refuses to shoot down Trump’s plane over the Atlantic.

I took a peek. Something about how the only verdict that counts is November. So yeah, *maximum* cope.

Pre-emptive “eat shit MAGA trolls” for this comments section. That includes you, universalamander.

Don’t be a cunt, universalamander.

That and NFTs. The number of times I’m trying to track down something via Image search and it turns out to be a website scraped the image to sell for crypto is absolutely absurd.

“Ok guys, the Dune popcorn bucket was a viral success. What else can we make that people want to shove their dicks into?”

Hey visandusvandalarius, go be a cunt somewhere else.

Honestly, anybody who looked at the ass on the red box cover and thought “yep, that’s a dude” is probably in the closet.

I hope this guy’s only testing on his sub was done in Lake Erie. Let’s see what happens when he has to go from a depth of 50' maximum to several thousand.

When you only think as far ahead as the end of the current fiscal quarter, whatever happens to the industry in five or ten years is somebody else’s problem.

Yup. I’ve had guys in my department use code spit out by ChatGPT without any hesitation and the results were disastrous. I’ve tried using it a handful of times and honestly, by the time I’ve reviewed the output and rewritten portions (either to fix it/performance/readability) I could have just written it all from

Part of me is hoping that this is a political stunt to get it through to the Ninth District to be overturned. The Fifth District and Supreme Court aren’t in any hurry to address the question and it usually escalates when there’s disagreement between districts.

Hey Dan, you still have a little dribble of Elon’s cum on your chin.