
You give him (and really any mouthpiece for the far right) too much credit for thinking they plan long-term. No, she probably bumped into him somewhere, stroked his ego, and accomplished the Herculean task of keeping his attention for more than sixty seconds. Also, guaranteed when it comes time to foot the bill for

This is now cannon. Someone update Wookiepedia!

Like Susan Atkins saying Charles Manson didn’t kill anybody.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

“Hey Elon, while you’re pissing away money to help people not get their old jobs back, can you give me a hand with my tiff with FOX News?” -Tucker Carlson

Yeah, I could *maybe* understand the criticism of traditional journalism back when Twitter was still active (like, if I was really, really drunk it’d make sense). But now that *gestures wildly at Musk’s alt-right echo chamber* I think having dedicated sites is all the more important.

Thankfully nobody lives forever. I foresee that Florida's top export is going to be estates in the near future.

Happy belated centennial anniversary to the Equal Rights Amendment.

Do you just enjoy being a contrarian cunt on every post?

She’s been acting since she was 9. If I had spent 2/3 of my life and most of my formative years in front of a camera, I’d be looking forward to retirement too.

To be fair, MatPat has made a career out of plastering his smug, extra-punchable face in every video. So ignoring him seems like the best kind of way to honor his retirement.

*sigh* Dude’s going to pull a Sinema, isn’t he.

I’ve put buying OG Xbox games on hiatus because the prices are still sky-high and more collectors are moving into to console. Getting any new Warhammer models on release day is a shit show, not helped by GW’s terrible production schedule and my FLGS getting practically zero allocation. I dropped Lorcana because

Yup. I thought about throwing the WWE on the list too, but went with the more obvious examples.

It’s hilarious because football was the last bastion for the right-wing hate machine. They already lost NASCAR because they were too “woke.” They already lost Disney because they were too “woke.” They already lost Apple and Microsoft and Sony because they were too “woke.” It’s only a matter of time before they realize

*Every* hobby is dealing with it right now. If it’s a niche product and there’s an opportunity for someone to insert themselves as a middleman to make a quick buck they’ll sniff it out eventually. I’ve dropped half my hobbies in the last six months because it’s just not worth fighting the influx of scalpers.

How much do you think the hospital’s liability insurance is about to go up because a nurse couldn’t keep her mouth shut?

Really depends on if it has backwards compatibility and if that’s a feature Nintendo wants to heavily market. More than likely it’ll have some name inspired by whatever gimmick Nintendo is trying to push this time, and backwards compatibility will be a back-of-the-box feature ala the Wii.

A political party with a recent storied history of financial malfeasance is now the sugar daddy for a man who is also well-known for his financial malfeasance. What could possibly go wrong?!

Given the infamous development of this game, “middling” is about the best anybody should hope for.