
I remember there was a rep from TPCi who said that the people who actually play the game don’t matter. 95%+ of their sales are to kids who pester their parents to buy a pack while standing in the check-out at Target, all so they can stare at the art. My own kid is exactly the same way (even though I’d like to get back

There’s 18 GOP members in Biden-won districts who are up for re-election in 2024, 12 Far-Right members who just want to watch the world burn, and George Santos who is about to be thrown under the bus by his own party.

RIP The Top Cut.

Read: we need two more months so that we can find a reason to fire you for cause.

Boomers still don’t understand the internet. And water is wet.

Don’t be a cunt, Rockhard.

Don’t be a cunt, Rockhard.

“I fully support the two-state solution as long as both those states are Israel.” -Benjamin Netanyahu, probably

Wonder how long before he starts blocking people on YouTube.

I’m not one to kink shame, especially when it comes to best-boy Koopa.

read: We want to avoid a situation like Fall Guys and boost our margins to make Epic happy, so we’re eliminating the secondary market so that we can make direct profit off those cosmetic sales.

So any bets on where he ends up next? Because these gaming CEOs are like cockroaches and never leave the industry once they’ve crawled their way in.

“Hey kids! You’re absolutely fucked because we just refuse to pivot our business away from fossil fuels. But at least you can floss in Fortnite!” - the soulless cock-gobblers at Shell

I see Rockhard has a new insult straight from 4chan. Eat shit and die, you knuckle-dragging fuckwit.

I’ve bought counterfeits for MTG and Pokemon before. Mostly for EDH or cubes where people won’t care and they’re not going to end up in competitive play.

Aww, Rockhard is back. Guess I need to get ready to bash his brains in with a mallet.

“My personal beliefs mean that I can object to treating a patient.”

*laughs in scanlation*

The ending was bad. But considering the final chapter went from, “The remaining Eldian cast are going to travel the world trying to apologize for one dude committing genocide” to “Several years later a kid finds a giant tree and the cycle *might* repeat” was total whiplash. There’s room there to explore how the Eldian