
Tell you what Rockhard, give me your deets and I’ll do this world a favor using a ball peen hammer. It’s a win/win/win offer. Deal?

Hey Rockhard, eat shit and die, ‘kay?

Why haven't you killed yourself in your mother's basement yet, Rockhard?

Yeah, that same play worked out so well for Musk too. How is X doing these days anyways?

“Look, only bad people get shot, which means that everybody who owns a gun is a good American.” -Trump, probably

Why are you always such a massive cunt?

Don't be a cunt.

“You killed the shopkeeper Zar Bladlock. Now we have a new shopkeeper, Zur Bladluck. He will be succeeded by the next shopkeeper, Zer Bledluck.”

I haven’t seen a pump with a lever in almost a decade, so this is a moot point.

Previously published games were always going to be exempt, so this is a non-statement. Trying to change the licensing agreement post-facto at that scale is just asking for a lawsuit.

Don’t be a cunt, Crossover.

Exactly, Teamsters support every other Union. Hell, Teamsters will take any opportunity they can to make life miserable for scabs. I’m sure it’s going to be fun on DWTS backstage....

Yeah, they might have one WGA member working on the show. But what about other unions? Better hope they don’t have any Teamsters on staff, because you do not want to fuck around with the Teamsters.

“If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, lie. If you can’t lie, scream at the other person until they relent.” - GOP

“We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.” -Columbus Division of Police

Dude has political aspirations beyond AG and can’t stand that he got clowned by a female doctor doing her job. So he’s doubling and tripling down until he can claim that he “won.”

You are a dipshit.