
Rosie’s words and actions must be so embarrassing for her son, Chris O’Donnell.

Meanwhile, it’s fine to bark at your cat, because they already loathe you on a level you can’t even comprehend.

The entire trend of videos that are “fuck with your pet by doing X” needs to die. Some of the things are harmless but all of them encourage the attitude that pets are entertainment instead of responsibility.

My whole thing is, why is it legal to assault someone with a deadly virus, through your own carelessness?

I’ve been saying since the beginning of this pandemic that some people have never sat next to their kid in a hospital bed and it shows. 

A rant in agreement with the author: I have a six-year-old and a four-year-old. My older (vaccinated, mask-wearing) kid got COVID at school about two weeks ago. She had a sore throat for less than 24 hours. My younger kid (less than 80 days from being able to be vaccinated) caught if from her despite our best efforts

The idea that measures should continue until the virus is no more are totally unrealistic.

I don’t have kids. I can’t imagine the worry you go through. I do, however, have preexisting health issues. According to the back to normal narrative, I’m expendable. I’m never going to have a normal. I’ll be wearing masks for the foreseeable future. I literally see one person a week because I have to. I understand

in the top five of all time with The Weeknd’s performance last year

I hear Pete Davidson is willing to step in if Kanye can’t perform.

A pretty demanding attitude you have toward people inviting you into their home. 

Yes, everyone would be better off not telling people how they feel. Just bottle it up and move on.

I’m beginning to suspect that the main problem in Chrishell Stause’s relationships may be Chrishell Stause.

The internet has the receipts of Munn “going after” Mulaney to try and get him to leave his wife, and getting herself pregnant when he’s explicitly stated that he didn’t want kids, and doing all of this WHILE HE WAS IN REHAB... she’s an awful person and I feel for her kid.  

they deemed a teen who got pregnant by accident too immature to have an abortion.

JFC. The whole notion that someone may be more equipped to raise a child than to make the decision not to have one is insane.

Soooo….what’s your plan? Have White House interns hand deliver tests to people? Get the Army Corps employees to start manufacturing tests in-house? Arrest and force vaccinate the people who refuse to get the shot or forcibly remove them to remote locations?

This is one of those situations where I desperately wish someone, anyone, could sit down both parties and get through to them that their lives will be 100% better if they just shut up and stay off social media. Do not write that book. Do not do those interviews. Do not hit send on that shitpost. Realize that the best

I mean, I care about folks dehumanizing women by intentionally making them look a way society places inherent lesser value on. It’s playing into sexist bullshit tropes that a woman is less worth of care, compassion, and human dignity if she’s less attractive.

I am sort of surprised by this take on Jezebel. The guy has a known history of bring prickly in general, and downright hostile to women in particular. For some reason (I assume because of a dislike of Pompeo) this became about race here, but this should have been about a known dick flying off the handle on Pompeo, and