
I think it was also given an extra hit of depressing relevance due to the response to COVID, even though it was written before the pandemic happened. Mostly, I think people in general don’t like being told that they’re stupid, superficial and greedy, and that these things will cause the extinction of our species

I don’t see the point of this piece. The show doesn’t try to depict Eric Taylor as a perfect father. He’s a guy who often puts his coaching responsibilities ahead of his familial ones, sometimes to the serious detriment of his wife and children. He’s an old-fashioned guy with a good heart but disordered priorities.

I’m a middle-aged parent, thank you very much.

It’s not really that pervasive. Seventy percent of adults are vaccinated. It’s just really fucking loud.

Remember that time they had to shut down production because Bette Davis wouldn’t get the polio vaccine? Oh wait, that didn’t happen because they weren’t fuckin idiots back then.

I’m a male nurse, and I stick urinary catheters up the penises of men in the ICU with Covid-19. If we could somehow show that to every American man, we’d get 90%+ immunization. Also, any man who is admitted to the ICU, intubated, put on steroids, for more than a week, is almost guaranteed to be impotent for an unknown

A few notes:

I also go to Joe Rogan for medical advise.

If you are declining the Covid vaccine because you think it will make you sterile, you shouldn’t be reproducing.

I’m 71 myself, and I have concerns about being a burden on my children. Right now that’s not an issue at all as I’m healthy and independent, but I expect at some point I’m likely to be leaning on them more and I’m not looking forward to that time in my life. Maybe that’s a factor for your mom?

I can only share my own experiences with my folks, especially with my mom. Mom is 82, Dad is 84.

I can’t stand Yolanda and I would not be surprised if she were at fault here. Not saying his reaction was good, its not, if in fact he did put hands on her, but what was she doing there while her daughter was away? Why didn’t she leave? I can see her causing problems in her daughter’s relationship.


As someone who watched too much of that silly show, I don’t believe Yolanda. At all. 

The Night Mares of Waterford Castle

When I was a teenager I would regularly go camping with my dad and family friends. My dad was a physicist and the other family consisted of his colleague, another physicist I’ll call Tim, and his two sons, one my age and the other a few years older. Every year we’d camp in the fall and spring at a site in Stokes State

This story happened about 15 years ago.

I was visiting Los Angeles from New York City. I am a big Hollywood history and early 20th century architecture fan, so I managed to hustle cheap rooms at the Biltmore downtown and the Hollywood Roosevelt.

It was 20 years ago.

Didn’t she have a stroke recently?

The sound irregularities in this story remind me of a story I heard (might have read it here, might have been elsewhere) about this lady who lived in a super haunted apartment that everyone described as having thick air. She had it blessed repeatedly and after the last time, the echoes and noises in her apartment were