
Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

MLKCH, which provides care to an already marginalized community, currently has 97% of its beds occupied by COVID patients. The people in those beds work jobs that are considered essential (food service, etc.). They cannot afford to stay home. Many have pre-existing conditions because of lack of access to healthcare.

This has bothered me since VPR debuted. 

Exactly. The inflection point was her realizing she might be asked to take a stand for our country and she was all “smell you later, losers!”

What bugs me is that these people were born on third base and think they hit a triple. That the incredible privilege and dumb luck to be born a well-off white guy in America somehow makes them superior to everyone else. You see, they EARNED their wealth and good health. And all these LOSERS who are poor or who have

I detest people like Mackey, who believe that illness (and poverty, and a number of other conditions) is a result of poor decisions rather than a result of a million underlying factors over which an individual has little to no control. Trust me when I say he will have an abrupt change of heart if and when he’s ever

Universal healthcare would not cause billions of new unfunded deficits if we got rid of for-profit insurance companies and if people like this dickwad paid his fair share of taxes. Maybe he should ask Steve Jobs how successfully his vegan diet helped his pancreatic cancer. Oh, wait...

Blech, no. He is beyond repulsive.

I did not expect those pictures to show that Mitch lives in a modest townhouse. I guess he lives full time in some fancy DC mansion and keeps the townhouse for residency purposes, because there’s no way he and his billionaire heiress wife live like us regular people.

Yikes. Sending good vibes your way.

Oh man. That sounds rough for her.

He looks exactly like I thought he would.

It’s a man. The police statements refer to the asshole as “him.” 

Dude, he is absolutely irredeemable if his own wife can’t get through to him. I love my husband dearly but Trumpism and/or COVID-denialism would be straight-up dealbreakers for me.

Thank you! I’m actually starting to feel hopeful after waking up to so many kind replies. Seems there are still good people out there, after all.

Thank you! These responses have made my day!

Thank YOU. I didn’t post seeking validation, but these responses are really making me feel like there are still good humans out there.

Thank you for being a compassionate and reasonable human!

I feel this in my bones. The worst exposure I’ve had so far was from a patient who is a nurse and fellow hospital employee. She spent nearly an hour with me in a small exam room, knowing she had symptoms. We don’t have enough N95s for routine use so I was only wearing a level 3. When she tested positive 2 days later,

Thank you, kind person! I always enjoy your comments!