
Thank you.

He’s a good neurosurgeon according to Ben Carson. According to colleagues at JHU, he was not a particularly skilled surgeon. Rumor has it that he would pray with the parents of his patients before every procedure, and if things went south, it was “God’s will” rather than any failing on his part.

Thank you, internet stranger. I know there are still good people out there. People like you are what keeps people like me from total breakdown.

I just got home from my last hospital shift of the year.

My take away here is that Billie Eilish has no idea what actual (non-augmented) boobs look like...

I disagree. With the exception of the the first 10 minutes, she spent most of the film losing her powers and getting shot (over her dead boyfriend whom she dated for a few weeks 70 years prior). When she finally gets them back, the magical armor designed to withstand all the armies of Man gets shredded easily in

The HBO subscription has turned out to be worth it to watch The Undoing. SO GOOD.

As a person who grew up on Air Forces bases, I literally YELLED at the TV. And the seats side by side in the jet? SMDH.

This movie sucked SO BADLY for SO MANY reasons. I did not sign up for a female-driven super hero movie to watch that hero cry and get beat up for over 2 hours.

The Hilaria Baldwin business was a FAR more engaging and entertaining part of my weekend than the Wonder Woman movie. I can’t believe we signed up to HBO Max for that dumpster fire.

I mean, “Fuck you, I got mine” has basically been the Republican motto for a while now...

Yeah, the combo of an incredibly hard stone with an incredibly fragile pearl is both unwise and (in this case at least) unattractive.

I found myself nodding my head when I read what he said about people losing jobs and homes. I mean, the delivery was harsh but he’s not wrong. And someone recorded it, presumably to shame him for being upset that their reckless behavior might endanger more jobs and lives. HE SAID WHAT HE SAID.

I can’t stand Tom Cruise. However, after working in a hospital during the year of our Lord 2020, I can sadly attest to the fact that some people WILL NOT adhere to guidelines unless you yell/throw a fit/call security. We STILL have to escort people off the premises for refusing to wear a mask. Kicking and screaming.

Agree 100%. The Right used “defund the police” to attack my rep and she almost lost because of it. We live in a purple district and she said nothing of the sort. I’m really fucking sick of the GOP getting away with constantly making shit up (and Americans believing every word at face value).

He wants to take away “our” police, you say?

I live in a city with a large number of said shitty statues. We had racist assholes from out of state bus themselves in to protest their removal. We also had asshole out-of-towners come through on a Trump Train parade of idiots and they insisted on driving past some of the monuments whilst screaming at locals

Poor Leva is getting bombarded with hate on social media to the point she’s turned off her IG comments. There are a lot of Americans who are bizarrely invested in statues of shitty people long dead in cities they’ve never even visited. 

The were 2 (just 2) allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine last week in the UK so they are not recommending it for people with a history of anaphylactic reactions for the time being. That may change as more data is collected.

Just popping in to say that I enjoy your comments immensely.