
I don’t disagree that Gina and Eva said stupid shit. They absolutely did. Eva saying that “Latina women were the real heroines here” was dumb as hell and a wildly careless thing to say in that moment but I really don’t think it was, as the author suggested, “thinly-veiled anti-Black sentiment.”

Unscripted, live public speaking is HARD. Gina Rodriguez explicitly said “I get so petrified in this space” and “I always feel like I fail when I speak about it” because she likely had witnessed the fall-out from a less than perfect remark. And, sure enough, she got roasted. Brie Larson gave a decent but imperfect

Absolutely not! They are far too fancy for that! It would be with a soft (French) “G” like zhee-ayn.

Actually the relief I experienced when confirming it was a joke was one of the only pleasant things I felt yesterday so...thanks?

I legit clicked through just to make sure you were joking about them naming the baby “Giayn” because it’s 2020 and my expectations are so low they’re underground.

Every time I read another delightful Styles anecdote I am reminded by the fact that my daughter was, 8 years ago, a Louis stan and completely dismissed me (as only a 12 year old can) when I proclaimed that Harry was the obvious star in the group.

JFC, I hope those bros don’t live in swing states. At least your other friend seems to have come to her senses.

In all seriousness, why are they still your friends?

They are about to fuck up SO MANY THINGS.

Packing the courts so they can continue their minority rule by any means necessary has been their end game all along. We tried to tell y’all in 2016. The ACA is as good as gone.

I find this theory very plausible.

I really hope more than 56 people end up seeing this tweet...

Was it as horrible as everyone says?

Well, DAMN. And here I thought she was way too British and fancy for that pronunciation.

Exactly. They enjoy fucking with him. As long as Jared lives and breathes, Christie will NEVER be rewarded for ANYTHING. That he keeps kissing their asses is just precious.

Literally no one I know IRL or interact with in any capacity wants this zealot confirmed. Since this poll was complete crap with a ridiculously small sample size, my personal experience carries as much statistical significance (none).’s not pronounced “Wintoor”? Because I totally thought that’s how it’s pronounced.

Telling someone they are cured or in remission is the best feeling in the world. Telling someone the opposite, and watching their eyes as their world crumbles, is soul crushing.

Already got mine. And I’d get one even if I wasn’t required to by my workplace. The flu sucks. It will suck even more this year. And I continue to be depressed by the many patients who refuse to get the shot (and are also saying they won’t get a COVID vaccine) because of the bullshit mythology surrounding vaccines

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been an oncologist for nearly 20 years, and there is no cancer that frightens me more than GBM. They are relentlessly and universally horrible.