He’s on third-line treatment, which generally only buys a few months. Sadly, I’ve practiced for almost 20 years, and experience has taught me that the assholes tend to live the longest. Evil seems to have some sort of anti-neoplastic effect. :/
He’s on third-line treatment, which generally only buys a few months. Sadly, I’ve practiced for almost 20 years, and experience has taught me that the assholes tend to live the longest. Evil seems to have some sort of anti-neoplastic effect. :/
Closing bars and requiring a piece of cloth be worn in public to protect citizens from actually dying = tyranny
We heard you loved Evita. You saw it so many times. Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Will you buy Epstein’s island? One last extra special deal from him? Or will you be drooling on yourself in a suite at Walter Reed? Maybe you will be in prison?
I makes me so sad to think about how many people are teaching their children that bigotry and cruelty are desirable traits.
Depends on the HVAC system in the building, but I hope you are right.
I want to be happy about this but he screamed and spit at Biden for 90 minutes when he was probably contagious.
That’s the thing, though. Most of us entered the field for the right reasons. I certainly didn’t go into medicine to get rich. However, I never thought I would end up working this hard to be treated like shit by corporations that commoditize doctors, held hostage by insurance companies that are able to decide what we…
Honestly? I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. The costs of training run in the hundreds of thousands, and our salaries have been in decline since the 90s. It makes no financial sense to spend so many years, accumulating student debt*, to work insanely hard (during a pandemic), constantly fighting Big Insurance and…
Thank you! I have some truly wonderful patients, they just tend to be quieter than the buttholes.
I, too, have had some really unpleasant interactions with male doctors. I always wonder to myself, if they are that shitty to me (a fellow attending)...how do they treat the average patient?
Burnt to a crisp woman doctor, here. Everything above is true, with the added bonus of being disrespected by patients and older male colleagues on a daily basis. Y’all would not believe the shit patients say to me, and it has gotten SO much worse this year. I was just thinking this week that I would NEVER recommend…
A bogus board he created to avoid the continuing education requirements for re-certification. Because making sure doctors remain competent to practice is a bad thing. He is such a fucking turd.
This reads like a god damned Onion article. I hate this fucking timeline SO MUCH.
There was a semi-recent episode of Botched where a white kid had spent in excess of 100K to look like a member of BTS. It...was not a successful endeavor.
Cartwright is fine, Taylor’s a hot monster
Because, like all insurers, their business model is to deny care every single time they can conceivably get away with it.
He’s pretended to have the moral high ground quite a bit. His recent-ish speech at Notre Dame is a good example.
Former catholic here, so I don’t blame you one bit.
I literally started my comment by saying he’s always been trash. I honestly don’t know why I even come to Jezebel anymore. You can’t make a comment without someone jumping in to tell you how stupid you are. Sorry I didn’t perfectly encapsulate how much I can’t stand the guy and that he’s been especially unhinged…
I’m not too young. He used to at least pretend he had the moral high ground, even when he very obviously didn’t. He now just seems completely batshit/unhinged.