
Having bits about two entirely different people named Stassie in this Dirt Bag confused TF out of me.

It’s really neat to have a problem that can’t be defined because then it never ends.

You have your priorities in order!

He is vile. I have no idea why the rest of the cast tiptoes around his malignant narcissism, or why Bravo is choosing to keep him and his equally shitty wife around. 

But somehow Jax Fucking Taylor gets to stay?

I just did the protective arm thing last week with 2 handles of vodka in the passenger seat. Precious cargo!

Wait, what is the Tonks bomb? I am obviously very old and out of touch.

I was wondering if Ashley was referring to fanfic but I was NOT prepared to Google it to confirm.

Daniel Radcliffe is a very cool human. He filmed for a while in my city and was absolutely lovely to all he encountered.

The takes from the authors lately have been shit and have only been getting worse. I love snark as much as the next person, but the some of the recent opinions expressed by the staff have been immature, bratty, and just comically stupid. Hating on Biden? Discouraging voting? Shitting on literally everything and

God, yes. His statue is SO BAD.

Here’s hoping they take down ALL the statues from the Avenue Of Second Place Finishers.

That scene was funny as hell, except for the fact that literally NONE of the other women appeared to understand the reference.

Do you really think they are oblivious? Because it seems extremely intentional at this point.

Is anyone surprised that noted Trump supporter Ramona Singer is an All Lives Matter Asshole?

Oh, that’s definitely coming, and my shadenfreude is READY.


If they infect and kill people who don’t share their politics, I’m guessing they would view that as an added bonus. Just like Rand Paul, caring for others is a concept completely foreign to these ghouls.

Rep. Kevin Boyle (D–Philadelphia) chairs a House committee on which both Diamond and Lewis sit. He said most Republican members have not been wearing masks in committee.