
I think they are clearly the most Anti-Consumer of the three major console manufactures. The have fewer games and worse performance than the other two for nearly the same price. If they were to finally make a to make virtual console purchases follow you over generations, I might consider buying one. The portability

I love Nintendo, but they do make me cranky with a lot of their anti-consumer policies. I hate that they haven't figured out a unified account system. I hate that they price their consoles competitively with the PS4 and XBox One when the system itself is generally a pretty piss poor value proposition when compared to

Last week, I completed the mage guild questline in Skyrim. With
that, I managed to get my first platinum trophy for the PS4 for Skyrim!

I've just been working on the platinum trophy for Skyrim: Special Edition. I'm one trophy away from getting it (I need to finish the mage college questline). This will be my first platinum trophy ever.

I've been experimenting with Alchemy and some of those poisons can make any fight trivial.

I've been going deep down the PS4 Skyrim Special Edition hole. There is something about that game that makes it easy to mindlessly while away the hours. This time I'm playing as a stealthy bow cat.

This story is a ray of sunshine in the winter of our discontent.

It's hard to point the blame effectively as it seems that the (worthless) national polls were more or less correct.

"If we’re being honest, 2017 is probably going to be way worse than 2016 was…"

Just make sure you don't develop the game under your real name.

No Man Sky was a pretty good game for the 20 hours I played of it, and I still think the fundamentals are solid enough that it could support an amazing sequel a la the jump from Assassin's Creed to Assassin's Creed 2.

I finished Rise of the Tomb Raider this week. Man that's a pretty great game. Just a real solid B+.

Then fight, but try not to cannibalize your side because you feel they are insufficiently zealous in their advocacy for social and economic justice.

I tend to think infighting among the various factions of the left hurts the lefts political chances more than liberals being clueless generally.

I went to distant world's a month ago. Man does that soundtrack hold up. I use the Cosmo Canyon theme as an alarm and the Cid's theme as a ringtone.

I've been playing World of Final Fantasy, which is far better than it has any right to be.

The fear that FFVII doesn't hold up as well as I remember is part of the reason I just cannot bring myself to replay that game.

Well happy birthday. I agree that the Republicans won't take responsibility but the electorate will assign responsibility to those in power as they normally do.

Is the Xbox one S actually less technically powerful than the PS Pro? I thought the whole point of the Scorpio is that it is better.

That Halperin quote in the review is terrifying.