
Anyone in Texas want to play this when it comes out?

Take heart Bob. Even if you lose this round, you can always start funding other people who want to sue Oliver for defamation.

I'm fine with the suing. I'm not fine with the $50 million appeal bond. Also I understand the Supreme Courts distinction in privacy/libel law between public and private figures. This is not a slam dunk case.

My favorite Massey case is the one where he bought and paid for a WV Supreme court seat, and it went to the Supreme court on whether making massive donation in a judicial election is grounds for recusal.

Yeah but should the appeal bond be high enough to wreck a news organization? Your entire initial post is premised on the fact that there are procedures on place to prevent injustice from being done. Here most of the procedural protections protecting a news organizations 1st Amendment rights against being railroaded by

I agree. But local trial courts are notorious for not applying these settled 1A precedents correctly. And this would sit a lot better with me had the Supreme Court been given an opportunity to weigh in rather than leaving it to 12 randos in Flordia to shut down a news organization without an appeal.

So I think that is the most interesting question from my point of view. It is not necessarily troubling to me that a libelous need organization could be shut down by a libel judgment. What is a problem for me is that it is by no means certain that the law was applied correctly in this case. Generally, the legal

I think this is actually the scariest part of this. Gawker was forced to declare bankruptcy because it couldn't afford the bond to appeal. If we could be sure that alI defendants would have access to the multi-stage legal system, i would agree with you whole heartedly. The problem is that the mere expense to defend

It is so obnoxious that we have to listen to people saying this isn't about the 1st Amendment it's about Gawker. Hard cases have always made bad precedent. Although there isn't much actual legal precedent here, this is a beta for how to silence the media. If you want to figure out a way to limit first amendment

I'm playing a Baratheon/Greyjoy deck mostly these days.

My lack of interest in finishing Breath of the Wild has mostly stopped me from playing any games over the past couple of weeks. It's not that I hate the game. I just don't feel any need to continue with it after clearing 50ish shrines, 2 guardians and finding the 13 memories. I think I'm finally coming to the place

Assassin's Fate. The third novel in the most recent series. I really kind of dig it as it's got a bit of an Old Man Fitz vibe to it.

I'm playing Zoey. My fiancee is playing Ashcan Pete. It works pretty well. I stab things. She investigates and also stabs things. Pete's mobility is great in 2P.

I'm nominally moving forward with Breath of the Wild, but that game hasn't really grabbed me like I thought it would. I've found 10 of the memories and completed two of the guardians, but it was this game that finally got me to start reading books again. I've been reading the newest Robin Hobb novel. She may be the

I'm not sure I've ever met someone who self-identifies as an MRA outside of the internet.

I've more or less bounced off Zelda at 30 hours (it all feels so weightless to me what's the point in collecting more weapons I don't need). I wish that there had been more time to mess around in persona 5.

I'm going to play some more Zelda. I've beat two of the shrines, but mostly it's a game for poking around in for me.

I would love a Maverick update except with Gwent.

This feels like a Big Bang Theory C-Plot.

I'm just really annoyed at how little value I got out of my Wii and Wii-U.