
Yes. One of the problems with democracy is that it is hard to know who to hold responsible for things going badly when you have split government. The republicans have a solid hold of the house, senate, supreme court, presidency, most of the state legislatures, and governor's mansions. They could also set-aside the

The only silver lining I've been able to imagine is that since the democrats have been destroyed in all three branches of the federal government and in state houses that if things go bad over the next two or four years we will see a massive wave election in favor of the democrats just in time for the democrats to

Nothing I've tried helps.

Look on the bright side if you live in an urban area that voted heavily for Clinton, you are more likely to be vaporized instantly if the apocalypse happens.

I'm terrified that Clinton is barely holding on at this point.

I'll probably play some more Dragon Quest Builders this weekend. My town in the first two chapters has been kind of lame. I'm going to try to do better for the third one.


So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since this election started, every single day has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day, that's on the worst day of my life.

21 days and counting…

And if I was going to excuse anyone for being undecided (Trump is an abomination), it might be someone working in the coal industry.

Endless legend is a lot of fun. I do enjoy how well they do with the very asymmetric factions. It does suffer from a bit of system bloat. I have yet to seriously engage with Diplomacy, Trade or Espionage in more than 40 hours of playtime.

I think it's one Vita too.

I picked up Dragon Quest Builders for PS4. And I really like it (I'm about a couple hours in). It is basically a more limited Minecraft in that the game world is made up of voxels that you are free to harvest, but you cannot dig endlessly down.

Idiot win.

I went on a cruise for my first week long vacation in forever with my fiancée. I had a good time!

I'll take the elevation of Bone over Joe the Plumber any day of the week.

The spray of ichor and viscera was just satisfying.

Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a Locust chainsawed upon a table

The narrative has never been the real draw of those early games, and I say this as someone who loved the first three games. That said they are interesting from an historical perspective and from an it's fun to chainsaw Locust's perspective.

I spent years of my life playing Gears of Wars Multiplayer. That shotgun is still probably my favorite video game weapon ever.