
God that ending was very fun to play while out of my gourd.

In its favor, The White March feels a lot like Icewind Dale. And I'm excited for Tyranny now.

I somehow doubt that most people on the AV Club spend that much time analyzing songs that they hate.

You should play the Witcher III on the second hardest difficulty as the game. It becomes too easy on normal (and even gets easy on that difficulty). As for specific tips, the most important is to just use Quen as much as possible and be sure to roll around a lot. Don't worry about equipment: most of the best stuff

I"m 40 hours into this play through of Pillars. This is a very strange game. The backer stuff is so bad, but the actual game isn't too shabby as I near the level cap. I just finished the White March Part 1, and I"m about to finish Act 2 of the story. Despite playing on normal, the combat is still pretty mystifying

The first time I played Final Fantasy Tactics Wiegraf totally stymied my game.

I'll probably stick with it if I don't jump on that Doom is $34 on PS4 sale.

I am going to play some of the Game of Thrones 2e LCG (assuming I don't have to work again this weekend). I was really hoping that No Man Sky was out. Without it, I've been half-heartedly been playing through Pillars of Eternity. I think one reason I'm not connecting with it as much as Baldur's Gate 2 because the

Crusader Kings 2 is the best.

I quit that game after a couple of years, buying two mansions, and doing a lot of raiding. Now, I feel like I could never play it again.

I kind of dig the Baron because it's not so didactic about how foul that character is. Most depictions of evil in these games is no more nuanced Snidley Whiplash. The Baron is more interesting for CDR trying to humanize someone that has done something unforgivable. Like you, I refused to listen to any of his

Baldur's Gate 2 is my favorite game. I play it every year. It has some shoddy writing in places as well.

I would love if more RPG'S would look at quests more like short stories that need to tell a bite sized story with a beginning, middle and end. Instead of providing garbage meta plots that are never as good as the best side quests.

I thought the relationship between Ciri and Gerald was as finely sketched as any father daughter relationship this side of The Last of Us.

See I've been playing Xenoblade and that game has far worse dialogue.

What 3D RPG has better combat?

I'm at work and tired :(

That's interesting. I pretty much avoided the series because it looked by the numbers with only the period setting working to differentiate it. This one has my attention if only in hopes that it will use the open world in service to the story in a way that is hard to do.

That Mafia game looks very interesting. It could be a compelling example (and of course there are tons of other reasons for making games less mono-chrome) of the benefits of diversifying games: it expands story-telling options.