
That Horizon game looks really cool. But I wonder how much staying power it's loop will have.

I hope that game is great.

It looks like Tides of Numeria is scheduled for Q1 of next year. I think it will have some RPG competition during that window.

The backer flavor text stuff is not good.

I do like that enemies aren't worth XP. It's an excellent way to ensure that players aren't encouraged to play as a mass murdering goody two-shoes psychopath just because that path provides the most reward.

I wish I was playing No Man Sky.

It is good! I got it on vinyl since I get the digital album anyway.

Damn. I just bought the album for no reason.

The limited and extremely rare exception. But one that is at play here.

The goal is generally to be made whole.

Her new novel is real good.

Libel is a free speech issue (at least the boundaries of it). This is because the government is enforcing the judgment.

I haven't read anything to suggest that the jury correctly applied the law to facts here. Or that the judge did his job.

Yes because a man who thinks that "liberty is incompatible with democracy" secretly and successfully funding lawsuits in an effort to shut down a website that hurt him is a lesser evil than a website that has published some morally repugnant stories.

I would be interested in seeing examples of others doing what Thiel has done beyond the Mother Jones case. It is true that uninterested third parties are free to speculate on cases by funding them. But I'm not aware of examples where this is done not as an investment but rather as a way to destroy one's enemies.

We actually have a case where a billionaire secretly funded multiple lawsuits in order to force a news outlet to close down.

I would contest that. People don't realize the true power of these groups because they're too focused on the top of the ticket. Super Pacs have had a lot of success in the states.

It's a blueprint for how to stifle media. It's expensive to fight a lawsuit. If you have deep enough pockets and patience, you can fund lawsuits. Some are frivolous some may have some legs. Normally, an attorney would be reluctant to take on a case that is a loser. But if you don't care whether you win or lose you can

Part of the problem is just getting sued is expensive.