
Peter Thiel is far more disgusting than Gawker could ever hope to be.

IGN and Kotaku together at last.

I for one welcome our continued advance into a cyberpunk dystopia.

I am pretty sure this judgment will be successfully appealed. A sub-part of this story is that Florida is making Gawker pay a ridiculous bond to appeal.

You don't think this tactic could be used against the New Yorker or The Washington Post?

Gawker is gross sometimes. Billionaires being able to close down media sources that annoy them over a grudge is far worse.

This is actually my first space 4x game. Stellaris definitely has flaws, but it is so dripping with Sci-Fi theme that I don't care about those flaws so much.

I've played a 100 hours of Stellaris. So I'll either play some Xenoblade. Or buy the new Doom. I'll mostly be annoyed No Man Sky isn't here to eat some hours.

He's suggestions seems better suited as an art project than a game to spend actual money on.

No one bought it if I remember correctly.

I want Nintendo to stop making consoles and just become a software maker. Every generation I just want to play a little Mario Kart. And I'm tired of having to pay $300 if I want to do so. Their consoles are neat, but I don't see any reason that Mario cannot be on the Playstation.

Here's hoping we can actually pay our debts some day.

Grad school can be a bitch. Still, I don't think my current student loan payments are terrible. I'm just curious what's going to happen to people like me when IBR starts forgiving people's debt.

Sure but it's capped at a pretty small percentage of it.

If I'm not able to touch the principal as has been true in the last, it'll be something like 35-40% on $180,000 so closer to 50k in actual additional taxes owed.

I have a lot of student loan debt in income based repayment. I am looking forward to having that forgiven in 20 years, and then me being hammered with 50k extra in taxes that year.

They get rid of the British accents in the sequel.

A third playthrough? You're a madman.

This weekend I stupidly volunteered to play the game work all weekend.

The photo mode in Uncharted 4 makes this article more timely than ever. There are so many options, and there are so many lovingly created vistas to potentially shoot.