
Unfortunately there aren't. One of the things they need to flesh out imo as taking over the universe leads to snowballs after a while. I think I'm going to try and finish my current game.

A mixture of both. My created empire has a religious God emperor as a leader. This allows me to enslave people and more easily convert them to my ethos by making them happier. The lion psychic warriors were a neighboring empire. Strong is a trait in the game. After I conquered them, I decided I wanted them to supply

It's not great. But it's not awful. It's just pretty mediocre. The reason is that right now there are so few verbs for interacting with the game at that point. Borders totally stop exploration unless you can get a border deal with a neighboring empire. And most of the writing is instigated through events discovered by

I've played a ton of Stellaris this week. My space pope has enslaved half the galaxy and fought off extra-dimensional invaders. I enjoy doing all this while having a strong social safety net for my non-enslaved people.

I've been listening to a podcast called Dev Game Club. It has old Lucas Art and Bethesfa game developers (X-Wing/Dark Forces/Skyrim) discussing FFIX from a developer standpoint. It's really neat.

I mean but there are reviews for dozens of shows on here that I'm sure are just as niche as this article. Not to mention obscure video game reviews that are lucky to get 10 comments.

I normally don't bother with military at all at the beginning. The AI doesn't normally prioritize war that much (I was only declared war on once and I won that fight), and unless they get an advanced start, it takes a fair number of ships to take out a spaceport. If your getting cramped, try getting rid of advanced AI

My first was a decadent, militaristic, collectivist despotic empire. Basically, I used it to capture and enslave my enemies. My second was a lizard pacifist, materialist democratic game. I gave up that one after I angered some forerunner militant isolationists and they destroyed 7 of my colonies and almost 300 of my

If that's the way you feel, you should love this. Stellaris has far fewer things to think about than their other games. This dearth of systems is actually the biggest complaint about the game right now.

It has a better tutorial than others but it is still a little dense. There is definitely no harm in waiting a bit.

Ugh. I think this game really benefits from lowering the number of starting civs and expanding the map. The exploration stuff is so much stronger than everything else.

I'm having an opposite experience. I haven't had this much fun with a game in a while.

I love Stellaris. My spiritual lion warriors are ready to spread the faith even if I did get boxed in on one side by a Fallen Empire.

What is your empire like?

Do you like science fiction?

I've been playing a lot of Stellaris. Adding science fiction events to a grand strategy foundation is the best, my deeply religious ascetic cat warriors tried to infiltrate a hammerhead ocean-based WW2 Era level of development species to annex them to my empire. Unfortunately, one of my agents went rogue and almost

Yeah! I believe regional championships are still ongoing.

I like the Stark's and Lannister the best. I went to a tournament a month ago, and I had a lot of fun with a Lannister deck. I even managed to win a couple games.

I'm playing Uncharted and Stellaris and the Game of Thrones Card Game. I'm enjoying all of them.

As far as I know, it would be difficult to get 200k of non-dischargable unsecured debt as a 22 year-old with no credit history.