The only metric that matters when evaluating FF games.
The only metric that matters when evaluating FF games.
I put a lot on Birthright. At a certain point though, I reached my fill of anime meet-cutes.
If I was drafting people to start a house in Westeros/Essos, Davos would be my third round pick (Tyrion has got to be number one). Loyal and capable.
The Witcher is incredible. But they're going to release the next big DLC soon, so you might want to wait until that's out.
80+ hours. And there is no better system for a SRPG than a 3DS or Vita. The ability to just close it and open it mid battle is so good.
Final Fantasy 7 will always be the best final Fantasy game because it's the first one I played when I was a teen ager. God that game does teen age angst so well.
I beat two games this week.
I like Cid's theme enough that it's been my ring tone for years.
Do the Final Fantasy airship themes count? They're often a base of operations. I like FF8's theme.
That's neat!
I think that the only way this problem could be solved is if it were possible to design stories procedurally. Right now, procedural story telling is pretty much the worse. But I'm convinced that someone could break compelling stories down into constituent and modular parts to allow for real branching. But I'm not sure…
I mean maybe it didn't used to be so prevalent in the news articles. But the TV Club reviews often reckoned with these kinds of issues (I remember the season 1 reviews of Girls by Todd as being a particularly notable example).
Her performance at the Eyrie and the goth dress is her best moment.
Battlefront isn't my particular jam, but I grok what you're saying.
There isn't much of a difference in taking ten minutes to do a quick quest in a AAA release or spending ten minutes to play the newest indie platformer in time.
Anyone else feel bad about not playing any indie games? I read about them at work, and they sound neat enough. But with my ever receding amount of time devoted to games, I'd rather bask in the conforming waters of the latest AAA open-world release.
Are they theater geeks?
That propublica rape story is one of the best reported and most infuriating things I have ever read.
I'm a big fan of both.