
It also has a lot on how the medium content is presented to consumers changes how we think. He argued that TV makes people less capable of critical thinking.

I'm listening to City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennet. I never knew I wanted a early-industrial fantasy novel set in the decaying cities of a once great imperial power that is now all-but ruled by its former subjects, especially as the parties appear to be loosely based on Russia and India. But I did. And it's

It is all I wanted in a boardgame. Alternate history star wars where the Emperor, Darth and Luke rule all.

One doesn't have to look far to see examples everywhere that prove you depressingly correct.

As far as innovative games, I'd probably mostly just consider elements: the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor, using time rewind in a teen drama from Life is Strange, the procedural generation on a massive scale from No Man Sky. Even though other elements of those games are very derivative.

Anyone else think that it's odd that Nintendo is so fixated on innovating on a hardware level but mostly uninterested on innovating on a software level (especially with their signature franchises).

It's just odd that the key to making the right decision involves looming through someone's personal effects without permission.

That is a problem. You can erase every bit of graffiti, protect her from David, and answer all of her calls. But if you don't snoop through her room for some biographical information you cannot save her. You actually have to be a bad friend in a sense by totally disregarding her privacy.

I mixed up my old testament bible verse vs. the new testament one causing Kate to jump. I decided to just reload to an earlier point because I didn't want Kate to die. I dont know if there is much of a difference between a rewind power or the reload button to get the result that I want. But it does make me think that

The only woman that gets a child is Azura. If Corin and Azura S link, you get two kids.

The justification for the birthright scenario is ridiculous.

I really dislike Inquisition especially when compared to Baldur's Gate 2 (my favorite game) mostly because I think that Inquisition relies way too much on padding to justify it's length. I could forgive that if the combat was good. But it isn't. It's either a mindless spamfest or an overly finicky micro- management

I finished the Stark playthrough. Now, I'm hanging with the Lannister's. In both games, my main character has married a sibling (but not by blood).

Any word if they're going to port it anywhere? It looks like a good fit on the Vita to me.

Finished Fire Emblem: Birthright. Playing Fire Emblem: Conquest both on classic/casual because I'm tired of letting mental mistakes necessitate restarting. I really enjoy what Nintendo had done here, and I wish other game companies would try it. It's just neat to use the same assets but remix them with different

I didn't have a gaming PC growing up, but I loved playing RTS when I could. So when I got my PS1 my first two games on it were Command and Conquer and Warcraft 2. Those aren't shitty games, but they are shitty ports. Dear god. I will never figure out how 13 year old me was able to struggle through those controls to

There are lot of words in this thread that basically amount to both of these candidates are awful and you should feel bad if you support them. Then again, I am literally sitting between two people who voted for Cruz on Super Tuesday.

I view Cruz as a theocrat. And that scares me a tiny bit more. Both of them absolutely horrify me.

The fun thing for me is that the entire GOP may be doing something literally cataclysmic by doing nothing on climate change.

That's a hell of a qualifier. At least Trump is willing to call a spade a spade here. I've read the torture memos unless you can find something that says Cruz won't go back to the stuff in those (stress positions, caloric restrictions, sleep deprivation and waterboarding) this is not a distinction I fond particularly