
I finally finished Dragon Age Inquisition after more than a year with a saved game right before the final boss. My final thoughts are that the side stories dealing with the characters and the inquisition are strong. The main story is very weak. The combat is very forgettable, and the tactical camera is especially bad.

I've seen this discussion around the Witcher before (it's actually when I started thinking about this). But there are a couple of different threads surrounding these talks.

I tend to think that the gameplay only CoD or madden bro demo doesn't care one way or another about this.

This is the most disingenuous common criticism I've seen of her. Are there really actual backers who feel defrauded?

One of the hoariest memes in gaming is about crying when Aerith died in FFVII almost 20 years ago.

Jaheria is the neutral ("If a tree falls in the forest, Ill kill the bastard that done it.")

Aerie carries your baby in her back pack.

I always get the sense that at least some of people mad at her would be happy to also talk to you about how they knew games were art because they cried when Aerith died.

I find it ironic that "gamers" whine that no one takes games seriously, but they whine harder when someone takes the games seriously enough to actually criticize them as someone might criticize any other work of art.

Poor Anomen. I'd still say he's a better romance option than Aerie. And he's a better cleric than Viconia.

Do you actually have a source where she's called for government imposed censorship? Or are you just one of those people who cannot distinguish criticism from censorship?

Denis Johnson is great:

I think my best case would be a Persona style JRPG taking place in that castle.

It was interesting to see that so many people picked going through their backlogs as a gaming resolution.

I look forward to getting to care about Hamilton when it finally comes to Dallas in a couple years.

I think my big problem with the combat is that the companion AI is really bad. It was a huge mistake to not even give the player the option to program the AI. But an even bigger problem is that companions don't have basic positioning AI figured out, and it's annoying to position people so that they don't fight

I consider it more of a fetch quest and collectible pick up simulator because that's by far the stuff that I spent the most time on.

Maybe that's my disconnect with others in that I tend to think that RPG players over value story and undervalue the non-story bits.

I totally agree. Bioware seems so uninterested in the non-story aspects of that game. They should be freed to make a Telltale style adventure gsme or something.

Other than the shitty backer text, that is a much better game than Dragon Age in almost every respect.